Saturday, December 10, 2011

What would be cool games to create for the ipod touch or iphone?

After playing games like sims 3 on the iphone, I was wondering what cool other games could be made in the future. What would you like to see created?|||A mini arcade so you get games such as space invaders, tetris, asteroids etc.|||that's very hard because practically everything is made already for the iPod touch and iPhone..i would say a camera on the iPod touch (there's already one on the iphone) and you could take pictures, then edit them yourself! draw on them from your finger or sell styluses for it. change the colors, something fun.(:

Please answer mine,,;鈥?/a>|||Tabletop card or board games converted over to iphone. Support multiplayer turn based gameplay like the facebook app, scrabulous (now lexulous)

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