Saturday, December 24, 2011

Anyone know any cool games to play on a roadtrip?

Like questionaire games, like would you rather..|||Whenever we go on a road trip we go back to being kids and play all those silly car games. Do a scavenger hunt or Car Bingo that is always fun. Take trivia cards and ask questions that always kills time and strikes up a conversation. Play 20 questions, the licenses plate game, or the count the cow鈥檚 game. At least it will entertain you and the people you are with. I use a few websites to plan our car games. It doesn鈥檛 matter what age you are, if you make it fun then it will be fun. Here are some other games that we play:

The Geography Game

To play this game, someone has to name any place in the world - New York, for example. Then the next person has to name a place that begins with the last letter of the first place - so for New York the next person could say "Kuala Lumpur." Whoever goes next needs a place that starts with an 'R' cuz that's the last letter of Kuala Lampur. You can't use the same place twice in a game. If you get stumped, you're out. The last person left in the game is the winner. You can mix things up by using celebrities names, movies or any other subject you can think of!

The Grocery Game

This memory game is bound to whet your appetite for your next pit stop. One person starts by naming something they could buy in a grocery store that begins with the letter 'A' - apples, for example. The next person says, "apples," and then says something they could buy at a grocery store that begins with B, such as bananas. The next person says, "apples, bananas, can of beans," and so on. If you mess up, you're out. The last person standing (well, actually, sitting) is the winner!

TWENTY QUESTIONS: One player thinks of a famous person, place or thing. Everyone else gets to ask the player 20 questions, which must be answered "yes" or "no." For example, "Does it know how to read?" is a valid question, but "What's its favorite book?" is not. Whoever guesses correctly gets a turn to think up something.

A IS FOR ARMADILLO: Starting with A, each person tries to be the first to spot and name three items beginning with that letter. For example, the first to see and announce "armadillo, auto and apple" gets to choose the next letter.

LICENSE PLATE LINGO: The goal of this game is to come up with a phrase using the letters on another car's plate. So if you see the plate LMT 823, the first person to call out a somewhat logical phrase such as "Love me tender" or "Lost my tooth" earns a point.

ODDS, EVENS: Two players pick either "odds" or "evens." Then they make a fist, shake it, say, "One, two, three...shoot," and stick out one or two fingers. If the total is an odd number, the player who picked odds wins. Same goes for evens.

Name that tune

Rules of the game

Here's a game that's great for those who like to sing or hum a tune. One player thinks of a song that everybody knows and hums its first few notes. (Hint: Your child might not recognize top-40 pop songs yet, but chances are he can recognize "Row, Row, Row Your Boat" or "Baby Beluga.") The other players try to guess the name of the song. If they can't guess, the first player keeps humming more notes in the song until someone comes up with the right answer. There are no winners or losers in this game; it ends when everyone gets tired of it.

Rainbow Game

Call out a color and each person has to find something that color. For example, when you call out green, one person might point out grass, another a green car. It gets harder when you get to purple and pink.

Tall Tales

The rules are fairly simple: One person starts telling a story. She talks for about a minute and stops when she reaches an exciting moment. Then another person picks up where she left off. The game continues in this manner, with the tale twisting and turning with each new speaker. If a large group is playing, the last person to have a turn finishes the story. With a small number of children, the game is over when one player decides to give the story an ending.

Here are some websites that have free game ideas and things you can print out:

You will also want to take music on your road trip and other things like crossword puzzles, word searches, and travel games like Battle Ship, Memory, Sorry and more. You can find these at places like Wal-Mart and Target. They have all kinds of travel games for cheap! What a good way to pass the time.

Hope this helps have a great trip!|||They're probably the two stupidest games but they keep you entertained.

1. Split into teams, and look for words beginning with every letter of the alphabet in order, you can't skip any. It takes forever and is so plain it's pathetic but it wastes time.

2. And my mom called it car tic-tack-toe when I was younger. You again break into teams and call a color. First person to get three of their color before the other wins. To make it more difficult say when one person sees their color the other person loses one of theirs. Again plain but it works.|||ya, see how long you can see the back of your eyelids. lol, seriously, you could do 20 questions, alphabet game (count the alphabet on license plate or billboards passing by), or ask each other what your favorite-name of topic, person, activity, etc- is.

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