Saturday, December 24, 2011

What is cool games consoles that I can buy?

I want to now what games Consoles that get

because my bro want me to get a xbox360 but my friend want me a ps3 and my sis want me to get a Wii so witch one should i pick?|||I think you should get all 3... well first get the ps3 :D . and then u can like get the others free from rewards one

.. hmmmmm but then again its gonna take u like a month to get enough points to buy the 2 other consoles.... so feeel free to use it to get free games for ur PS3 instead... ps3 rocks!|||360 fo shoe|||The Xbox360 has the largest and broadest library. Also, Xbox Live has the best online service/experience out of the three major consoles.

The PS3 is a little more powerful than the 360, but it's library is still much smaller (though to be fair it has grown). Though it has come down in price, I wouldn't get one unless you have money to through around. Most people get a PS3 because it can play games AND blue-ray movies.

Note that except for the first few consoles that came out, the PS3 is NOT backwards compatible with PS2 games (which may or may not matter to you).

The Wii is the cheapest out of the three, but it has a rather shallow library and too many kiddie games for my taste.|||The term "console" is used in the user manuals of several early video game systems... Modding new consoles out of the old ones, or else from some unused scrap from the junkyard are routine, this new NES games console... It refers to a specific part of the video game system.

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