Saturday, December 24, 2011

Can anyone tell me a cool game to play on the pool table besides the standard 15 ball and 9 ball games?

I have been playing pool for about a year now and would like to know new games which would make it more interesting to play. If possible I would also like to know the 'how to' and rules of the game.|||Check the website for some rules.|||I will tell Ray (the webmaster) that you liked the link.

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|||One pocket is a cool game|||3-ball as previously described, straight pool, one-pocket, rotation, 10-ball, 9-ball, 8-ball, 7-ball, cut-throat, ring-game. Played with no pockets, billiards (3-cushion). If you are playing in a room that has a 5x10 or 6x12 table there is golf or snooker, liability.

3-ball for multiple players on regulation 41/2 x9 table along with ring-game. Ring-game, play 10 or 9 ball, determine order for so many games then redo order. Object is person who sinks 5, wins the wager from everyone, person who sinks 9 or 10 gets double the wager from everyone.|||4-ball. Rack 4 balls together. Break, run the table and count the number of strokes it takes to knock em all in (4 if your good, 5 if average and 6 if beginner) If you scratch, it's an automatic 7. Then your opponent goes. If there's a tie, then a rematch is played.

This is great gambling game. bet $5 and if there's a tie, then put another $5 into the pot.

It can also be played w/ multiple players (this builds a huge pot).|||I like snooker, but you have to have a special table for that.

I also like "cut throat". Do a google search, and I'm sure you'll find the rules for it.|||How about some Baseball?.....9 innings or against me.........break the 15 balls or just scatter them.....shoot any ball that you want to shoot...1 point each ball made.....before you start you put a quarter heads up on the table.....anytime you want you can flip it over and from there on all balls pocketed are 2 points....only difference is that you have to shoot them in in numerical descending order.....most possible points one turn at bat would be 30 if you think that you can run all 15 in sequence|||It is called 3 ball.

As many people can participate as you want.

Everyone puts a bet into the pot ($1.00).

1. Rack 3 balls in normal fashion.

2. The person gets a break shot.

3. The person gets 3 shots to sink all 3 balls

If it is a tie, everyone antes another bet until there is a definite winner.

If playing on a pay table it helps to have someone at the pockets to save the balls.

Lots of fun.|||killer,,, rack all balls, break, all players take one shot each ,must pot a any ball or lose a life. once they lose three lives they are out winner is last one in..keep reracking if nessessary|||Stick with straight shooter 526 and you can't go wrong.|||My husband and I and a friend of ours just did this version of carom cutthroat the other day. Put 14 balls and the cue ball in the rack (cue ball in the head spot) and break with the one ball. The object is to hit balls into the cue ball and then into a pocket. This game is great for teaching cue ball control. You have to call your shots, and if the ball goes in the wrong pocket, or if other balls are made as well, you have to spot it or them. If you pocket the cue ball, you are penalized by spotting a ball belonging to whoever's ball you were just shooting (e.g. you shot the 7, made it and scratched, you have to spot the 6- or 8, 9, or 10, as well as the 7; if you didn't make the 7, you still have to spot one of the other balls). The cue ball gets put back on the table on the head spot, and the next player in rotation can play any ball off of it.

Play around with rules if you want; I'm pretty sure the game is a product of my husband's imagination. It's a little weird at first, and people are going to be giving you funny looks, but it's great practice and lots of fun. Also, the player who breaks is at a somewhat of a disadvantage because any balls that get made are spotted (since they're not called), so that person's first turn won't yield anything.|||'Bout 100 years ago some friends and I use to gamble for beers on a game that called for setting a ball in every pocket, like hangers, and the object was to make as many as you could with one stroke. You have to make at least two to score one point, then a point for each additional ball made. Putting down 3 wasn't too tough, but I only saw one guy, one time make four.|||If you're looking for a variety of games to try out, I suggest picking up a copy of the BCA rules and records book. They have dozens of games to try. The BCA website also has rules for the most commonly played games. Are you referring to only 8-ball when you talk about 15 ball games? Other good games that use all fifteen balls include straight pool (my favorite game), rotation (a forerunner of 9-ball) and one-pocket. I sometimes like to play seven ball as well. It's very similar to 9-ball, with a few rule changes. In seven ball, there is no push-out option after the break shot, and after the break shot, the non-breaking player declares which half of the table that they want to pocket the 7 ball in. It adds an extra element of defense to the game. Happy shooting! M.D.-BCA Instructor/Referee.|||how about cutthroat? first you rack the balls up just like 8 ball. three people play. one person has the 1-5 balls. the next has the 6-10 balls and the other person has the 11-15 balls. you take turns like any other game and you sink OTHER peoples balls. you are allowed to sink your own, but its not a good idea. if all you balls have been sunk, your out. the last one with balls on the table wins.

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