Friday, December 16, 2011

What are some cool games I can play with my little sisters?

Hey I'm their 18 year old brother and my older sisters who are 19 and 22 are never around anymore so I'm always doing stuff for them and playing with them. They are 8, 9 and 10. We usually play hide N seek or a game I made up called dead man rise whichis really fun. But recently I've run out of games, so any ideas?|||Scotty, I couldn't be more proud of you! You sound like an excellent big brother. Keep up the good work.

When I was growing up, my family always played board games on Sunday afternoons. Scrabble remains my favorite, and we were even able to have another Scrabble marathon as adults in the final days before my mother passed away. As kids, we often played Monopoly, Clue, Sorry, and Battleship. I believe these, along with Scrabble, are great for improving thinking skills. When we were very young we played Candyland, Operation, Memory, Chutes and Ladders, and Twister.

If you do purchase board games, they tend to last a lifetime and make a great investment for little money. Also be sure to keep a deck of cards handy at all times. They are very convenient and portable when you travel, have to wait around at appointments, etc.

You sound like you also enjoy physically active games. Hopefully you know freeze tag, kick-the-can, and blind man's bluff. They are all variations of "tag." (See Wikipedia.)

Keep some sidewalk chalk around for hopscotch when the weather is nice. Or build a very simple stage for an indoor puppet show when the weather is not so nice. Use old socks or paper bags for the puppets. Even stuffed animals can work.

There are many games you can play with jumpropes. In grade school, I was crazy about Double Dutch jumprope and Chinese jumprope. (See websites below.)|||here's one. my friend made it up. it's called Mix-Up. you can do whatever you want or be whatever you want. it's really fun.

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