Saturday, December 24, 2011

What are some really cool online games?

What are some really cool action games other than pirates online. I mean like games you can like talk to people on!|||Go through these sites

and thats all i can remember right now But i know mabye 3 more. And all of them are free.You could also try going through the xfire supported games list and look at the free games and see what you can find.|||Have you tried Runescape, it is cool and lots of skills to train. There are free world and member worlds, member world cost money to play on. There are a bunch of quests also, and lots of mini games with in the game. You can talk to the other players, message players and even make a clan and chat in the clan chat.I provided the link for the game below.|||World of Warcraft of course!!!! how could you not know that? For a 10-day free trial go to|||Maple Story :)


its an online game where you can talk to people around the world, friends, etc. you make a character, kill monsters, level up and get jobs

example: magician (lv 8) -%26gt; cleric(lv 30) -%26gt; priest (lv 70)... and so on.

right now, there is up to 4th job which is about level 120.|||MAPLE STORYYY!!! :)|||You could try using msn games... but for some great games (although theres not live chat) go 2:

Desktop tower defense is my favourite!

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