Saturday, December 24, 2011

What is the best programming language to make cool games and use full programs?

C, C+, C++, DOS or anything else?|||Go over to and begin by working the Introduction to C++ programming. Then work the database and Blender 3D modules. It is all free and will give you a good start.|||(I've never heard of the C+ language...)

This depends on what type of games you plan on making. Flash is the most popular for web games, as well as Java to create applets (though it's usually slower and less versatile).

C++ and Java are good for application games (.exe in particular), though you may want to take a look at various game engines if you're interested in making 3D games.|||I would recommend C++ or C#. Which is easier? I would say C# since you have less to worry about when programming. Google this:

Beginning C Sharp Game Programming

It will provide some helpful links. If you find a book with this exact name by Ron Penton, it will help tremendously (I own a copy and it has proven helpful).


- C is too much work for game programming

- C++ complex and more than sufficient to make games

- C# easier to work with when making games

- C+ not really a widely used language in industry

- DOS, ehh.... not usable to make games?

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