Friday, December 16, 2011

What are some cool games for a girl sleepover?

I wantented to know cause i'm at a sleepover with my freind and we wanted to know if you knew of any games?|||Body Part: This game is fun to play at a "scary" sleep-over and can be accompanied by other ghost stories and games such as "Light as a Feather, Stiff as a Board" (see description below). Have the kids sit in a circle in a dimly lit (or dark) room while you make up a story about a mean old witch who falls apart piece by piece. As you talk about each body part, pass around a paper bag lined with a plastic bag, and have the kids feel inside without looking. Each bag should hold a different "body part" that has fallen off of the witch. For example, use peeled grapes for the eyeballs, a canned apricot for the tongue, popcorn kernels for teeth, cooked spaghetti for brain, a large peeled tomato for the heart, cooked macaroni noodles for intestines, a slab of jello for the liver, and so on. Have the kids guess what food you used for each body part, and the person who guesses the most right wins.

"Light as a Feather, Stiff as a Board": The basic premise of this game is to have one person lie on the floor while everyone else sits on their knees around her with both hands slightly under her. There is one "Storyteller" who sits by the head and tells a made up story about the person on the floor's life and her "untimely demise." At the end of the story, everyone chants "Light as a Feather, Stiff as a Board" repeatedly as they lift her off of the ground. The idea is to have everyone believing that "spirits" are helping to lift her off the ground (in reality, she is probably being lifted because of all the people helping to lift her). Take turns, and tell a story about everyone!

Junk Food Frenzy: This is a great game that will keep your tummy full and keep you laughing. Dig out some of your favorite desserts and copy the instructions on index cards. Buy ingredients for all the desserts and place them on the kitchen counter. Shuffle the cards and divide the guests into two teams. Have players take turns drawing cards. Each player reads the card and takes the listed ingredient. When all the ingredients have been distributed, give the teams thirty minutes to prepare a dish using the ingredients accumulated by the individual players. When the dishes are complete, have each player taste and eat the results, then vote on the best tasting dessert! For a fun variation, give both teams the same ingredients and see what different desserts they come up with (without using recipes).

Do-It! Dice: Buy or find two square cardboard boxes and paint them both white. On each side of the square, write a command or a stunt, such as "Sing our National Anthem," "Hop up and down," "Spin around

in circles," and so on. Have the kids gather in a circle with the "Do-It! Dice" in the middle. Have one player roll BOTH dice to determine his/her stunts, then have the player perform both stunts AT THE SAME TIME. This should provide lots of laughs.

Movie Trivia: Have everyone watch a video; then make up trivia questions about the movie they just watched. Have a contest to see who can come up with the most correct answers. You can also read through teen magazines and collect trivia about the latest stars. Then quiz the partygoers to see who knows the most about each star.

"Grabbit": Place some small objects on a table, such as a bag of candy, a book, a single CD, a stuffed animal, a set of fake nails, and so on -- enough for each player. Let each player name a favorite card game, such as fish, rummy, spoons, hearts, war, etc. Gather the players around the table and remove all but one prize, setting the others aside. Play one of the card games; the winner gets the prize. Replace the prize, and start a new game.

Panic Word: Write down 100 words on index cards (one word per index card), such as blink, stare, lint, thread, plate, bra, shoelace -- any words you like. Stack the cards and put them in the center of the room. Divide the players into 2 teams and seat them opposite each other. Set the timer or stopwatch for one minute. Have the first player from Team One draw a card from the pile and give clues to the word to his/her teammates before the timer ends the play. If the word is "blink", the team member might say, "What you do if dust gets in your eyes?" Players from Team One try to guess the word; if they are successful before the time is up, they get a point. If the timer runs out and the word is not guessed, the other team gets a point. Take turns until all the cards are gone, then add up points to see who wins.

Who Am I?: Write the names of famous people on index cards and tape one card to the back of each guest. Have everyone walk around in the same room, and instruct them not to mention the name on each person's back, but to talk to everyone as if they are the person on their card. As people begin to correctly guess their identity, they have to continue to treat the people who still don't know their identity like the people whose name is taped to their back. When everyone guesses their "true identity" then the game is over.

No-Mirror Make-Over: One of the best themes for a sleep-over party for teenage girls is a Make-Over theme. Have a beauty contest in which the contestants have to apply all of their make-up without a mirror. This is a game in which the most hideous contestant wins the prize. Make sure to take some nice blackmail photos of all the contestants!

Name That Brand: Have a contest to see who can list the most names of brands of make-up. Whoever can list the most names wins a prize.

Murder: Put slips of paper into a hat (the number of papers should be the same as the number of guests). Have your guests each choose one slip of paper; they should not show it to anyone else. Each slip of paper will be blank with the exception of one that says "Murderer." The guest who picks "Murderer" has to walk around the party and "kill" people by winking at them. As soon as one of the guests is winked at, he/she has to count to three and then fall on the floor. If someone knows who the murderer is, they have to say "Stop! I know who the Murderer is." If the accuser is wrong, then he/she is "dead" and out of the game. If the accuser is correct, then the game is over, and he/she is the winner.

Truth or Dare: Gather your guests into a group and have a seat. This is a simple game to play with very few rules. Choose one person to begin. The "beginner" gets to choose who goes first by asking someone "Truth or dare?" The chosen person must respond either "Truth" or "Dare." If he/she responds "Truth", then he/she must respond truthfully to any question asked. If he/she responds "Dare", he/she must perform a dare that is presented to him/her (no matter what). Prizes are not usually awarded. However, if the host/hostess chooses, small prizes can be awarded for dares once they are successfully completed.

Nutty Sleep-Over Antics: Here are some fun things that can be done to the first people who fall asleep (knowledge of this should keep the party going for quite a while).

Put the sleeper's hand in warm water- (This is supposed to induce them to have to go to the bathroom)

Throw someone's panties/bra in the freezer

Place a rubber snake on the pillow of an "early sleeper"

Put shaving cream on a sleeper's hand and then tickle their nose with a feather (Isn't a face full of shaving cream what all "Party Poopers" deserve?)


You can play Mummie rap. What you do is get a couple roll's of toilet paper.And you team up in partners and all start raping your partner all at the same time.If the paper rips you have to start over.The first team to get done first wins. Plus after all the extra paper on the floor is fun to put all over people's heads!

Then take turns around the circle. Each person tells of something they have never done (example: I have never broken a bone or I have never traveled out of the country). Anyone who has done this must give the speaker one of their toothpicks or pennies. After going around the circle several times, the person with the most tokens wins.

You can play a game called Beauty Queens. You let your guest put on make-up without a mirror. The most dreadful looking one wins.

Heres an idea for the girls who have a lot of friends. Come up with a crazy name for your group, then when you have one come up with a nickname for everyone in your group. When you have completed that write who you have a crush on, what hes like or any other creative thing you can come up with that pertains to friendship, family, boys, religion, etc.

you can play salon it go like this someone blind folds you and does you nails, hair and make up

You can separate your girls into teams and give each team a BIG roll of aluminum foil and a roll of scotch tape. Have a contest of who can make the best outfit. That's lots of laughs.

A fun game for ur party is to sing in ur funneist voice and have a contest of whos the funniest! Also I want to know so more games for my party. One more good game is to have a party bag hunt, give clues to people and they tri to find it. U might want to use walky talkies.

I think you should try this: Piggly-Wiggly: Everyone lays out their sleeping bags. Choose someone to be "it." They must leave the room. Everyone else hides inside the sleeping bags (not their own). When they are ready, "it" comes back in. She sits on one of the sleeping bags and says, "Piggly-Wiggly" the person inside says "oink, oink." 'It' must guess who is inside the bag. If they are right, the person in the bag is it.

I have a great game...........You have to have atleast 6 peoples at your party but you have to plat this at night......You take little peacea of paper an you write N for normal on four little peices of paper then you write M for Murderer on one piece of paper then you write D for detective on another you make every body take a piece on paper without looking and you can't tell anybody what you are only the detective can...then the detective leaves the room and turns off the light then the person who is the murderer has to touch tree peoples on the shoulder (each personne who gets touches has to scream!) when the detective hears three screams he comes in and has to guess who is the murderer!...its realy fun!

This one is so fun! It's like laser tag cept at home. First get some BIG (covering shorts) old white tshirts and give everybody one. Now give everyone a water gun loaded with water and food coloring. The 2 teams each have one or two colors and they are wearing a bandana to show you what team they are on. Anyway you start and you shoot the other team's shirts. At the end everybody takes off their shirts and has to count the squrits of other colors. The team that squirted the most wins!!! FUN!


Two pairs of high heel shoes. Have everyone divided into two teams. The object of the race is to set up an obstacle course which the person has to walk around (no running!) On "GO!" the first players on each team put on their high heel shoes and walk the obstacle course. They return and the next person in line puts on the high heels and walks the course. This continues and the first team to return first wins!

This is real funny when u've done u have make up? The first person to go to sleep ,u take the make up%26amp; draw on the persons face.then u get some toliet paper make a tepee over them.when they wake up you ask them to go to the bathroom.after she looks at herself. You tell her you%26amp;ur friends plyed Indian Temple$$$$!!!!$$$$!!!!

There was a game that we played at a school party we had,

Everyone writes down an interesting fact about themselves that hardly anyone knows, for example, one girl in my class could stick a paperclip through her leg! Who knew? Anyhow, then have them stick the fact in a jar or hat or anything you can find laying around, then someone will be in charge of reading them to the group as they try to think of who the mysterious person is. Everyone will have another peice of paper on which they will number it one to however many people are playing. And they will write down next to the number ( in order!) who they think the person is. In the end make sure everyone knows who the fact is about. This game is so fun and you can learn alot about the people at your party or in my case, my class. Its fun and inexpensive. Enjoy!

Well first of all you could do a game called dare to eat this!! this is how it goes! you get some stuff from your fridge like penut butter, ketchup, bread leftovers just stuff like that! then you take turns!! the person has to invent like some type of food and dare someone to eat it! for example! you can i don'r know something like put lots of ketchup on an apple or something! be creative!

So theres an idea!!!


Sleepovers - Games and Activities

The point of a sleepover is to get all your pals together to have as much fun as possible. Plan at least three to four activities that you can all do throughout the evening to ensure that no one is going to get bored. You can give each other make-overs, play truth or dare or take an idea from the Sleepover moive and plan a scavenger hunt! Of course, if a scavenger hunt ends up being one of your sleepover activities, make sure that your 'rents know about it - no sneaking out of the house like the girls in the movie!

Sleepovers - An Outdoor Adventure

If you wanna kick your party up a notch, why not plan to sleep outside? A tree house is the perfect place to host an outdoor slumber party, but if you don't have one, a tent in the back yard, or even on your deck works just the same. Once you're all settled in your sleeping bags, get your friends to take turns telling ghost stories! And don't forget to bring a flashlight - after some of those stories, you'll need 'em!


ok, now for what i have to say. everytime i have a sleepover i always have it outside in a big tent. this makes it really fun, and sometimes scary!! lol. we will play games outside the tent and sometimes inside the tent. but we just make up games as we go along.

well, i hope that this can help you,

S.G|||there's always twister, truth or dare, card games, board games and many more. If you're tired of games, you can always have some girl to girl chitchat and gossip.|||Truth or Dare (Just don't go overboard!) Spin The Bottle.

And Makeup?|||a game called give Sabrina all of your money.|||theres this one game i play with my friends sometimes, youu get soda or some sort of drink and everyone has to have their cup filled to the same level.then someone says have you ever done blah bah it an be random stuff. and if you have then you take a sip,whoever gets to the bottom first loses and last one with some left wins|||You could grab an ouiji board, and freak all them out by talking to the dead. . .You can do a scavanger hunt for stuff around the house, and offer a prize. . .Hide and seek is always good. . .duck duck goose. . .Have a big Monopoly ternimant. . .do you remember the paper game MASH? that's always a hit. . .tell ghost stories. . .have a bunch of snacks around, and gossip bout what's goin on in their lives, us women love talking bout ourselves. . .hope that helps!|||Truth and dare. Just keep it under control ;)|||Hmm.. Id say the classics - Truth or Dare, Spin the Bottle etc. But maybe try making a new game with your pals?|||Truth or dare and Spin the Bottle|||Try playing truth or dare outside and making each other yell out really embarrassing things, or a game where you each write down six names of the guys you think are hot, put them in a hat, pull them out and give them mystery love phone calls! You could also have fun doing nail art on eachother-paint stripes, dots, flowers, anything.

Have fun!|||Spin the bottle, truth or dare. Keep us posted.|||well you could prank call people thats fun lol make sure they dont know who you are and maybe if u like to play man hunt or flash light tag i mean girls can do stuff like that too!

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