Friday, December 16, 2011

What are really cool games for PS3?

I just bought a new PS3 and I am wondering what cool games are out. I already have metal gear solid, gta IV, gran turismo 5 proluge, and the new call of duty.

And Also. How could i persuade my friends into getting a PS3 because they have XBox360. So what are so stuff PS3 has that Xbox doesnt?|||Generally, people who have 360s tend to stick with their 360s. In fact, I talked with a customer who only used his PS3 as a BR player, since he feels that the servers aren't as good compared to the 360. While I do admit they aren't as good when compared to the 360, it is a free service, so I understand the lower quality. As they say, you get what you pay for. To be honest, the PS3 has a smaller game library and the online service isn't at the quality of a 360. The only benefits are the integrated BR player with automatic software updates and a free online service.

I feel that the online service is the main reason keeping me on PS3. I would rather save money than have low latency. I'm not one of the fanatic FPS players that will flip the moment their K/D ratio drops below 1.00, so I'm not as concerned.

inFAMOUS is a great singleplayer game, moreso if you like stories. I feel that the gameplay of [PROTOTYPE] is better, but inFAMOUS has a better story. If you've ever heard of Borderlands, that game is amazing. The game generates guns on the fly. You can find guns with regenerating ammo meaning you'll never run out of bullets. If you're an RPG fan, take a look into Demon's Souls. The game is insanely hard, which means that a single mistake could cost you your life. If you don't like dying too much, this game might not be a good choice, but to be honest, the game is incredible.|||Exclusive PS3 games:

Uncharted 1, 2

Resistance 1,2

Heavenly Sword

Valkyria Chronicle

Demon's Souls (it's really hard)


Ratchet %26amp; Clank Future 1, 2

What does PS3 have that 360 doesn't have? Let's see, free online play. Blu-ray player. Web surfer. Wi-Fi out of the box. Native 1080p (360 uses upconversion to get 1080p). 7.1 digital surround sound, Motion sensing controller. God of War 3, Heavy Rain, The Agency.|||Games listed above mine are great, I would suggest though DragonAge ORgins and Assassins' Creed II, those are this months two premire RPGs.

As for your friends, here is why the PS3 is supurier

1. Trade in XboX and it isn't too expensive

2. Blu-Ray player, so movies play much better then old DVDs

3. Graphics on PS3 are better

4. Free online

5. You don't hear 10yr olds squeeking like you do on XBL|||Fallout 3 and The Elder Scrolls Oblivion

These are 2 of the best games ever released, there are Game Of The Year editions out for them on PS3 as well :)|||make a road , match colours, mine sweeper , puzzle quest , zuma and tertis.|||Hahaha I try this all the time with my friends. Dont bother arguing with them, you won't win. I suggest getting the new Madden and Batm Arkham aAsylum|||Free internet,Blu-ray,pretty much it... and games are uncharted 2 and also LITTLEBIGPLANET

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