Saturday, December 24, 2011

Is there going to come out cool games for the wii?

Like mario games or dk games and there date?|||well, Super Mario galaxy was a pretty recent release, as was super smash bros and mario kart, so those would be the big franchise games, which are all already out but still pretty new.

the nintendo website has a list of games comming soon for wiiware, virtual console, and in sotres.|||Mario slugers is a cool new baseball game and starwars the force unleashed mario slugers is coming out sometime in the summer and star wars the forced unleashed is coming out in september.|||force unleashed is going to suck on the wii, and pretty hard too. swingin the wii-mote around like a light saber is going to fun for about 30 minutes, then you'll get bored with it, you also wont get teh amazing graphics potential that both the 360 or PS3 will offer you(not to mention the difference in physics)

basically your going to have to get brawl or mario kart and hold your breath until the next zelda game comes out, cuz theres not much of anything on the wii.|||super smash bros brawl is gonna come out that owns.

top spin 3

star wars the force unleashed

indiana jones

deca sports known as sports island in uk|||brawl, mario kart, mario party 8, rockband (june 22, 2008)

and there's always wirtual console buy them with wii points and it's the classic games from older nintendo consoles. Theyh have mario, donkey kong, pac-man, and more.

Where can I find cool games online?

I can not think of or find any other cool game sites! Sometimes I think I already found all of them! ha ha. I have found:

that is it though.|||For some cool games there is always||||||||| is really good.||||||||||||Go to

The site is pretty good and is updated everyday!

Do you know some cool games with vampires?

I was searching for some cool games with vampires..but some of them are so boring.Can u help me find a cool game? Thanks. :)|||Vampire Epic kill

I think thats it.|||vampire the masquerade bloodlines

fatal hearts (it's an adventure game where you can marry a vampire)|||Castlevania. All of them. They center around Dracula.|||vampire wars on facebook...|||Scary Games

Can anyone tell me a cool game to play on the pool table besides the standard 15 ball and 9 ball games?

I have been playing pool for about a year now and would like to know new games which would make it more interesting to play. If possible I would also like to know the 'how to' and rules of the game.|||Check the website for some rules.|||I will tell Ray (the webmaster) that you liked the link.

Report Abuse

|||One pocket is a cool game|||3-ball as previously described, straight pool, one-pocket, rotation, 10-ball, 9-ball, 8-ball, 7-ball, cut-throat, ring-game. Played with no pockets, billiards (3-cushion). If you are playing in a room that has a 5x10 or 6x12 table there is golf or snooker, liability.

3-ball for multiple players on regulation 41/2 x9 table along with ring-game. Ring-game, play 10 or 9 ball, determine order for so many games then redo order. Object is person who sinks 5, wins the wager from everyone, person who sinks 9 or 10 gets double the wager from everyone.|||4-ball. Rack 4 balls together. Break, run the table and count the number of strokes it takes to knock em all in (4 if your good, 5 if average and 6 if beginner) If you scratch, it's an automatic 7. Then your opponent goes. If there's a tie, then a rematch is played.

This is great gambling game. bet $5 and if there's a tie, then put another $5 into the pot.

It can also be played w/ multiple players (this builds a huge pot).|||I like snooker, but you have to have a special table for that.

I also like "cut throat". Do a google search, and I'm sure you'll find the rules for it.|||How about some Baseball?.....9 innings or against me.........break the 15 balls or just scatter them.....shoot any ball that you want to shoot...1 point each ball made.....before you start you put a quarter heads up on the table.....anytime you want you can flip it over and from there on all balls pocketed are 2 points....only difference is that you have to shoot them in in numerical descending order.....most possible points one turn at bat would be 30 if you think that you can run all 15 in sequence|||It is called 3 ball.

As many people can participate as you want.

Everyone puts a bet into the pot ($1.00).

1. Rack 3 balls in normal fashion.

2. The person gets a break shot.

3. The person gets 3 shots to sink all 3 balls

If it is a tie, everyone antes another bet until there is a definite winner.

If playing on a pay table it helps to have someone at the pockets to save the balls.

Lots of fun.|||killer,,, rack all balls, break, all players take one shot each ,must pot a any ball or lose a life. once they lose three lives they are out winner is last one in..keep reracking if nessessary|||Stick with straight shooter 526 and you can't go wrong.|||My husband and I and a friend of ours just did this version of carom cutthroat the other day. Put 14 balls and the cue ball in the rack (cue ball in the head spot) and break with the one ball. The object is to hit balls into the cue ball and then into a pocket. This game is great for teaching cue ball control. You have to call your shots, and if the ball goes in the wrong pocket, or if other balls are made as well, you have to spot it or them. If you pocket the cue ball, you are penalized by spotting a ball belonging to whoever's ball you were just shooting (e.g. you shot the 7, made it and scratched, you have to spot the 6- or 8, 9, or 10, as well as the 7; if you didn't make the 7, you still have to spot one of the other balls). The cue ball gets put back on the table on the head spot, and the next player in rotation can play any ball off of it.

Play around with rules if you want; I'm pretty sure the game is a product of my husband's imagination. It's a little weird at first, and people are going to be giving you funny looks, but it's great practice and lots of fun. Also, the player who breaks is at a somewhat of a disadvantage because any balls that get made are spotted (since they're not called), so that person's first turn won't yield anything.|||'Bout 100 years ago some friends and I use to gamble for beers on a game that called for setting a ball in every pocket, like hangers, and the object was to make as many as you could with one stroke. You have to make at least two to score one point, then a point for each additional ball made. Putting down 3 wasn't too tough, but I only saw one guy, one time make four.|||If you're looking for a variety of games to try out, I suggest picking up a copy of the BCA rules and records book. They have dozens of games to try. The BCA website also has rules for the most commonly played games. Are you referring to only 8-ball when you talk about 15 ball games? Other good games that use all fifteen balls include straight pool (my favorite game), rotation (a forerunner of 9-ball) and one-pocket. I sometimes like to play seven ball as well. It's very similar to 9-ball, with a few rule changes. In seven ball, there is no push-out option after the break shot, and after the break shot, the non-breaking player declares which half of the table that they want to pocket the 7 ball in. It adds an extra element of defense to the game. Happy shooting! M.D.-BCA Instructor/Referee.|||how about cutthroat? first you rack the balls up just like 8 ball. three people play. one person has the 1-5 balls. the next has the 6-10 balls and the other person has the 11-15 balls. you take turns like any other game and you sink OTHER peoples balls. you are allowed to sink your own, but its not a good idea. if all you balls have been sunk, your out. the last one with balls on the table wins.

What are some cool games on the internet?

I know about runescape{and yes its cool} but any others I don't care if its a rpg or something like pogo.|||

This is a goo RPG.My name is Xelt (on the game).||| 1000s of games online|||if u want to pay world of warcraft if not then go to mmorpg i've heard there really cool or if you want a community of people then go to im bye44 on there but the games are okay but theres only like 5 games but sign up and it is pretty cool i dont know if u care but everybody on there are teens mostly but most people are cool on there.

What is cool games consoles that I can buy?

I want to now what games Consoles that get

because my bro want me to get a xbox360 but my friend want me a ps3 and my sis want me to get a Wii so witch one should i pick?|||I think you should get all 3... well first get the ps3 :D . and then u can like get the others free from rewards one

.. hmmmmm but then again its gonna take u like a month to get enough points to buy the 2 other consoles.... so feeel free to use it to get free games for ur PS3 instead... ps3 rocks!|||360 fo shoe|||The Xbox360 has the largest and broadest library. Also, Xbox Live has the best online service/experience out of the three major consoles.

The PS3 is a little more powerful than the 360, but it's library is still much smaller (though to be fair it has grown). Though it has come down in price, I wouldn't get one unless you have money to through around. Most people get a PS3 because it can play games AND blue-ray movies.

Note that except for the first few consoles that came out, the PS3 is NOT backwards compatible with PS2 games (which may or may not matter to you).

The Wii is the cheapest out of the three, but it has a rather shallow library and too many kiddie games for my taste.|||The term "console" is used in the user manuals of several early video game systems... Modding new consoles out of the old ones, or else from some unused scrap from the junkyard are routine, this new NES games console... It refers to a specific part of the video game system.

What are some fun online games where you make your own character or of yourself and do cool things and games?

What are some fun online games where you make your own charater or of yourself and do cool things and games?

Best answer will get points.|||Habbo Hotel %26lt;---- most suitable. you get to make a character and make stuff and play games:)

Build a bearville

Club Penguin


Maid Marion -rrpg

Adventure Quest

Anyone know any cool games to play on a roadtrip?

Like questionaire games, like would you rather..|||Whenever we go on a road trip we go back to being kids and play all those silly car games. Do a scavenger hunt or Car Bingo that is always fun. Take trivia cards and ask questions that always kills time and strikes up a conversation. Play 20 questions, the licenses plate game, or the count the cow鈥檚 game. At least it will entertain you and the people you are with. I use a few websites to plan our car games. It doesn鈥檛 matter what age you are, if you make it fun then it will be fun. Here are some other games that we play:

The Geography Game

To play this game, someone has to name any place in the world - New York, for example. Then the next person has to name a place that begins with the last letter of the first place - so for New York the next person could say "Kuala Lumpur." Whoever goes next needs a place that starts with an 'R' cuz that's the last letter of Kuala Lampur. You can't use the same place twice in a game. If you get stumped, you're out. The last person left in the game is the winner. You can mix things up by using celebrities names, movies or any other subject you can think of!

The Grocery Game

This memory game is bound to whet your appetite for your next pit stop. One person starts by naming something they could buy in a grocery store that begins with the letter 'A' - apples, for example. The next person says, "apples," and then says something they could buy at a grocery store that begins with B, such as bananas. The next person says, "apples, bananas, can of beans," and so on. If you mess up, you're out. The last person standing (well, actually, sitting) is the winner!

TWENTY QUESTIONS: One player thinks of a famous person, place or thing. Everyone else gets to ask the player 20 questions, which must be answered "yes" or "no." For example, "Does it know how to read?" is a valid question, but "What's its favorite book?" is not. Whoever guesses correctly gets a turn to think up something.

A IS FOR ARMADILLO: Starting with A, each person tries to be the first to spot and name three items beginning with that letter. For example, the first to see and announce "armadillo, auto and apple" gets to choose the next letter.

LICENSE PLATE LINGO: The goal of this game is to come up with a phrase using the letters on another car's plate. So if you see the plate LMT 823, the first person to call out a somewhat logical phrase such as "Love me tender" or "Lost my tooth" earns a point.

ODDS, EVENS: Two players pick either "odds" or "evens." Then they make a fist, shake it, say, "One, two, three...shoot," and stick out one or two fingers. If the total is an odd number, the player who picked odds wins. Same goes for evens.

Name that tune

Rules of the game

Here's a game that's great for those who like to sing or hum a tune. One player thinks of a song that everybody knows and hums its first few notes. (Hint: Your child might not recognize top-40 pop songs yet, but chances are he can recognize "Row, Row, Row Your Boat" or "Baby Beluga.") The other players try to guess the name of the song. If they can't guess, the first player keeps humming more notes in the song until someone comes up with the right answer. There are no winners or losers in this game; it ends when everyone gets tired of it.

Rainbow Game

Call out a color and each person has to find something that color. For example, when you call out green, one person might point out grass, another a green car. It gets harder when you get to purple and pink.

Tall Tales

The rules are fairly simple: One person starts telling a story. She talks for about a minute and stops when she reaches an exciting moment. Then another person picks up where she left off. The game continues in this manner, with the tale twisting and turning with each new speaker. If a large group is playing, the last person to have a turn finishes the story. With a small number of children, the game is over when one player decides to give the story an ending.

Here are some websites that have free game ideas and things you can print out:

You will also want to take music on your road trip and other things like crossword puzzles, word searches, and travel games like Battle Ship, Memory, Sorry and more. You can find these at places like Wal-Mart and Target. They have all kinds of travel games for cheap! What a good way to pass the time.

Hope this helps have a great trip!|||They're probably the two stupidest games but they keep you entertained.

1. Split into teams, and look for words beginning with every letter of the alphabet in order, you can't skip any. It takes forever and is so plain it's pathetic but it wastes time.

2. And my mom called it car tic-tack-toe when I was younger. You again break into teams and call a color. First person to get three of their color before the other wins. To make it more difficult say when one person sees their color the other person loses one of theirs. Again plain but it works.|||ya, see how long you can see the back of your eyelids. lol, seriously, you could do 20 questions, alphabet game (count the alphabet on license plate or billboards passing by), or ask each other what your favorite-name of topic, person, activity, etc- is.

What is the best programming language to make cool games and use full programs?

C, C+, C++, DOS or anything else?|||Go over to and begin by working the Introduction to C++ programming. Then work the database and Blender 3D modules. It is all free and will give you a good start.|||(I've never heard of the C+ language...)

This depends on what type of games you plan on making. Flash is the most popular for web games, as well as Java to create applets (though it's usually slower and less versatile).

C++ and Java are good for application games (.exe in particular), though you may want to take a look at various game engines if you're interested in making 3D games.|||I would recommend C++ or C#. Which is easier? I would say C# since you have less to worry about when programming. Google this:

Beginning C Sharp Game Programming

It will provide some helpful links. If you find a book with this exact name by Ron Penton, it will help tremendously (I own a copy and it has proven helpful).


- C is too much work for game programming

- C++ complex and more than sufficient to make games

- C# easier to work with when making games

- C+ not really a widely used language in industry

- DOS, ehh.... not usable to make games?

Can anyone name some cool games i can get for the ps3?

Im going to get a ps3 160gb in three weeks and i wanna get some good games for it like some action packed games and some shooter games.So can anyone name some cool games i should get for the ps3?|||PlayStation 3 is more than just a gaming system, it is an entire entertainment experience! Music, photos, videos, Blu-ray movies (unbeatable picture!), and high definition gaming... what more could you need from a gaming system? Not to mention the FREE Playstation Network online gaming. The Playstation store is easy to navigate and always updated with the latest tv episodes, movies, games, demos, etc. The sleek Sony controller doesn't feel too bloated like the xbox 360 controller. I have this system running for hours every night, whether I'm playing online gaming, watching a blu-ray high definition movie, or listening to music. Definitely worth the money!|||Battlefield 3

Uncharted 3( ps3 exclusive)


Mw3 if you like fast paced fps

assasins creed revelations|||Full auto 2 is a pretty good game


mercinaries 2

need for speed the run


dark souls|||Demon's souls. That game is fun and challenging. Also try killzone 3|||battle fld3****

cod mw 3

dark souls

assasins creed reve


gears of war3

What are some cool games online?

Im really tired of facebook so like i want some cool games that would be addicting i already tried clubpenguin,fantage,addicting games etc. helpp pllzz?|||I'd Try Roblox,Imvu, Or Gaming...(Xbox360 or Playstation 3)... Games For Xbox360 / Playstation 3 : Call Of Duty Black Ops,Gta IV,Gta IV Ballad Of Gay Tony,Battlefield And More ... It's Really Depending On You And The Games Ya Like. I Would Keep Looking... There Is And Others. The Internet Is Full With Entertainment! :D , :3|||There is Runescape, Battlefield Play4Free and Battlefield heroes. ROBLOX, OURWORLD, XGEN studios, and evony. there are thousands of other games out there, too.|||

What are some cool games on the internet that i could go to that are fun?

What can i do if i am on the computer?|||curveball is a great game. you can play it at gamaniagames. their address is:

enjoy. and tell your friends. happy holidays.|||there are bunch of them that you have to download to play I suggest Tales of Pirates.

But if you want just on internet then go to yahoo and search for games. A good one could be maple story although I am not sure if you have to download it. There are bunch of games on facebook to that are fun to play :)|||Hi...

Too many my friend....just follow these format: "cool internet games"|||1.) (my favorite, call me a loser :D)

2.) google: snake game

3.) google: cube feild

4.) google: bombay taxi


6.)|||armor games is a cool site with lots of games to chose from.

What are cool online games for tweens?

Cool online games where you can make an avatar and walk around places.|||

They've got thousands of awesome retro online games like Pokemon, Sonic, Mario, Mega Man, Final Fantasy, Zelda, Metroid, etc.|||sims or age of empires or worldofwarcraft|||hmm.... I've tried Zwinky and IMVU. They're all bad... like people cuss and bad stuff... :(

But maybe try searching in online games for tweens on a search network.... sorrryyy hope that helpedd.... :]|||WTF is a tween?

Do you know of any websites with cool games?

Any with fun games or quizzes

Or where you can take an I.Q test for free.|||

||| has a lot of quizzes and stuff has a ton of games|||neopets|||

tests your vocab skills and every question you answer correctley adds rice to a bowl and once you have a full bowl that much rice gets donated

its DDR but on a computer with your fingers|||The best known ones are Miniclip, Addicting Games, Ruby Tooth, Newgrounds. As for an IQ test try maybe or perhaps Have fun playing the games.|||Quiz Games鈥?/a>

What are some cool warrior games like WOW that i can download for free?

I want to play a warrior game that involves magic, warriors, and a whole bunch of cool stuff|||League of Legends.|||There are tons man.

Go to "Gamelist" in that site. Than search Free To Play and find something you like.

My personal recommendation is a real cool game that I'm playing called "VIndictus". It's awesome, it's free 100% and it can run on most computers|||Maybe Dragon Age: Origins? You can choose either a warrior, rogue, or mage, and specialize them for different stuff. It's like WoW, but more of an action RPG.||| is a good game....check it out... If u do add me light5000111

What pretty cool games can I play with this processor and graphics card?

Processor: NVIDIA庐 GeForce庐 G210M GPU with Total Available Graphics Memory of 2271MB (max.)

Video RAM: 512MB dedicated Video RAM

Chipset: Intel庐 P43 Express Chipset

Modern Warfare 2?

Also it's a touchscreen so can I use that in any game?|||Modern Warfare 2 definitely.

I don't know if it will have any touch screen features though.

What are some really cool games for the PSP?

My son is turning 11 in a few weeks and I need some game ideas. He likes adventure and anything to do with cars.|||one really cool game is ridge racer its really fun because u can use nos and drift|||GTA liberty city stories, vice city storys as well, god of war is coming out. battle front 2 is good. also parappa the rapper|||try "ridge racers 7" a really cool car game

srry i couldnt help more

if you buy it hope he has great fun!!!!!!!|||Well you have your pick from Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories, but I don't know how you are with violence and swearing but anyway that has alot of car driving in it.

Also I personally think Harry Potter and the Order of the Pheonix and Medievil: Ressurection are good.|||try metal gear solid:Portable Ops, Final Fantasy VII, GTA Vice City stories, Tekken: Dark Resurrection and Pro evolution soccer 6 if you are a football fan

What are some cool games for a road trip?

We have a aravan of 4 cars and want to include everyone. We already have like bingo hangman and trivia.|||Lots of trivia games.

What are some cool games on facebook?

I want to know some more games for facebook.|||A lot of people like: Pet Society, Farmville, Yoville, Fishville and Cafe World..just search for games or ask your friends what games they play(:

hope I helped(:

if you can help..please answer mine?;鈥?/a>|||i know u may have heard this before, but just so u know, facebook games have scrips so they make your computer run slow. after your done playing the scrips keep going. but if u still want to play games, hear are some i likes before i found out about the scrips:


-cafe world

-bejeweled blitz


-sorority life

i hope u liked those game! :P|||Farkle鈥?/a>

Bejeweled Blitz

Jungle Jewels

These are my favorites :)|||I just started playing Farmville today and it's so addicting. Other fun games are BubblePop, Roller Coaster Kingdom, and Texas HoldEm' Poker. Have fun and enjoy!|||farmville is an amazing game=]

trust me

i didnt even like the sound of it

but when i got started its hard to stop


good luck|||Farkle..

it's really addicting. :)

Are there any cool games like meez or club penguin?

All summer, there was nothing to do so i have been trying to get other games like meez or club penguin... Help plzzz! |||,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

and also

i hope its enough||| is pretty fun but addicting. You also don't have to download this game either. It's alot like clubpenguin in the sence that you walk around meeting friends and get money to but clothes and stuff for your house except you don't need a membership to but stuff.|||You have to buy one for ten dollars but webkinz is where you create a house. Play games. Talk to other people. create rooms. Save kinz cash which is webkinz money It is really fun. They have all differnt pets.|||try its an mmo (massive multiplayer online) Its free but you can pay $5 per month to be a member get member benefits but its fun. and addicting just dont get to cought up with it and mess up in school! gl!|||Runescape.

The site is:|||Club Penguin is fun! i am not a member but it is still fun for me. its easy and safe to use!|||try its better then meez or club penguin|||RUNESCAPE...its addicting for about a year specially if ur a member but after that it get boring|||summers over.

What websites have cool games, clothes, gadgets, etc that 16 year olds would want for christmas?

I dont know what i want for christmas and i want a lot of things to choose from, any help?|||Ask Emily.|||

:D the best website ever, lol.

What are some cool fighter pilot games for PS2?

My boyfriend is really into fighter pilot games (he is obsessed with the Ace Combat series). For Christmas, I want to get him one or two cool video games, but I am not a gamer and I don't know what's out there. Any help is appreciated. =)|||if he hasnt already got it by him 'ace combat squadron leader'

What are some really cool online games?

What are some really cool action games other than pirates online. I mean like games you can like talk to people on!|||Go through these sites

and thats all i can remember right now But i know mabye 3 more. And all of them are free.You could also try going through the xfire supported games list and look at the free games and see what you can find.|||Have you tried Runescape, it is cool and lots of skills to train. There are free world and member worlds, member world cost money to play on. There are a bunch of quests also, and lots of mini games with in the game. You can talk to the other players, message players and even make a clan and chat in the clan chat.I provided the link for the game below.|||World of Warcraft of course!!!! how could you not know that? For a 10-day free trial go to|||Maple Story :)


its an online game where you can talk to people around the world, friends, etc. you make a character, kill monsters, level up and get jobs

example: magician (lv 8) -%26gt; cleric(lv 30) -%26gt; priest (lv 70)... and so on.

right now, there is up to 4th job which is about level 120.|||MAPLE STORYYY!!! :)|||You could try using msn games... but for some great games (although theres not live chat) go 2:

Desktop tower defense is my favourite!

What are some cool freeware games?

I am bored and I would like to know if there are any cool games I can download.|||try most are trials bur torrenting always helps! and music catch is the most addictive game ive ever played!!!!!|||try it has premium games for download and they are free and legal with no trials

you could also try escape games if you are up for a challenge|||Project Torque

Cool Wii or XBox 360 games for Christmas?

I can't think of any games to ask for for Christmas besides Guitar Hero and Call of Duty. I'm not a huge gamer, what are some fun/cool games for either system?|||XBOX 360 Games

1.Halo 3


3.Left 4 Dead

4.Farcry 2

5.Fallout 3

6.Oblivion The Elder Scrolls IV

7.Oblivion The Shivering isels

8.Grand Theft Auto 4

9.Ninja Gaiden 2

10.Fable 2


1.Super Paper Mario

2.Super Smash Bros Brawl

3.Mario Party 8

4.Call of Duty 3

5.Boom Blox

6.Red Steel

7.Deca Sports

8.Mario and Sonic and the Olympic Games

9.Metroid Prime 3

10.Mario Strikers Charged

I hoped this Helped! :D|||Wii

-Metroid Prime Corruption

-any mario game

-the legend of zelda

*pretty much any game that Nintendo has develop

Xbox 360

-Fable 2

-Gears of War 2

- halo 3

* this games are more for hardcore gamers, but they are fun|||A highly sugested game for a big football fan is ncaa 2009 or madden 09 for both consoles. If your a person who likes piniatas then buy viva piniata for x-box three sixty. Rock Band 2/1 are also great alternitives if you do not get guitar hero 1 2 3 or world tour. |||Taken directly from the IGN Holiday buyer's guide (see references to read more about each game, and why you might want to ask for it).

XBOX 360:

1. Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts %26amp; Bolts

2. Battlefield: Bad Company

3. Fable II

4. Fallout 3

5. Gears of War 2

6. Grand Theft Auto IV

7. Grid

8. NHL 09

9. Prince of Persia

10. Rock Band 2


1. Animal Crossing: City Folk

2. Boom Blox

3. de Blob

4. Guitar Hero World Tour

5. Madden NFL 09 All-Play

6. Okami

7. Super Smash Bros. Brawl

8. Tiger Woods PGA Tour 09 All-Play

9. Wario Land: Shake It

10. Wii Fit

|||I bought a wii recently and it's pretty cool...if you've ever played a 360 or a wii then you've pretty much just gotta make a decision of which one you liked best...I love my wii came with a free game and everything...but since the holiday season is coming they're both gonna be hard to find...if you havent played either I'd go with the Xbox because it costs less...but id go with the wii because it's a nice system and you can buy alot of games that are played in ways that arent even approachable in an Xbox game...隆 Very cool question !|||I don't know much about wii, but for the X-box get:

Halo 3

Halo Wars

Gears of War II

Call of Duty "World at War"

Fable II|||here are the best selling games for wii (the most popular):

Mario Kart Wii

Wii music

Star Wars Clone Wars: Lightsaber duel

animal crossing city folk

NerfnStrike with blaster

shaun white snowboarding

here are the best selling games for xbox 360 (the most popular):

Left 4 Dead

Call of Duty World At War

Gears of War 2

The last remnant

need for speed undercover

mortal combat vs. dc universe

brothers in arms: hell's highway

fallout 3

fable 2

hope these helps you!!!

What are some cool online avatar games?

i love playing games online that have avatars and everything but i don't really like imvu or there any other cool games?|||Some of the cool line avatar games are:




Good luck!|||Maple Story best game ever!…

Just go there and start downloading (Click the "Download Game Clien") takes from 2~5 hours downloading but its worth it.It is 100% free of charge and virus so try it out!|||WeeWorld.

It's a fun online world where you make a WeeMee and chat online with friends.

My WeeMee's name:



Other account:


Have fun!

What are some Cool Chess Games for PC?

I've been teaching a kid how to play chess but I need to make him more interested into it. He got into the game because it sounded cool with the king and knights stuff, but he was disappointed about how it looked. So, what are some cool chess games out there?|||For Children LOT

The only educational games package that



disk for age 4-10:鈥?/a>

see it on YouTube:鈥?/a>

disk for age 2-4:鈥?/a>

see on YouTube :鈥?/a>|||Chessmaster is by far the best. It has tons of tutorials, and games. It will boost even a chessmasters chess IQ

Can anyone recommend me some cool games on the based of "Star Trek"?

I mean these games are not limited to the theme of space combat but which can, for example, lead the research team on the surface of planets. My point is that the action was not primarily operates only on the bridge, and cool space combat because Star trek without this element is not Star trek:-)|||The only game that I can think of that is not limited to space combat in Star Trek Online thats due out next year or so. Thats an online game that will have a monthly fee to it. Most of games that were like a episode are really old like mid 1990's and will not run on XP or Vista. However, The only "cool" Star Trek games that I can recommend are Star Trek Bridge Commander-2002 (good game althought its space combat/adventure) and Star Trek Voyager Elite Force-2001 (first person shooter but placeout like an episode actually worked out very nicely). Those two are old but good.

What are some cool games that you can get from itunes for the nano 4g?

all the games on itunes seem to be for the ipod touch or iphone! are there any games at all for the nano? thanks!|||Yeah there are.

Are there any cool games like maplestory or any ways to get free nx cash?

if there arent any ways for nx cash,tell me some games please. ty!|||just go to a awesome place called its 100% legal no scam trustable and can help u truly. all u have to do is fill a few surveys which can be finished in seconds to minutes. after finishing or signing up or blah blah blah u get points for it and u get 10$-25$ cards when u get 10 points or 25 points. start now and you'll get ur code in 4-7 days|||

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|||hey well i have tried this site and it works pretty good all you have to do is fill out simple surveys and you get points that you use to get any number of prizes.the site is

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|||ummmmmmmmmmm..... are you looking for mmorpgs like maplestory???uhhh, i'll just tell u the games that i kno about that are online.....uhhh:




runescape (suks in my opinion)

neopets, club penguin, etc. etc. etc.


etc. etc. etc.

look up mmorpg games.

as for free nx cash, i don't kno if this works or not, but my friend emailed me this website saying that you can get free nx from it.鈥?/a>|||play like for like dragon fable or like runescape.

What are fun cool games to play at a teen birthday party?

Stuff for GILS to do inside the house. Maybe like a sleepover or someting like dat.|||wack the sack, bloody knuckels turnament, 20 questions, candy land, hang man, hide and seek, tag, wack-a-mole, LIFE, monopoly, guess who, jumangi, jinga, on the spot light, cops and robbers, halo 3, truth or dare, spin the bottle extreme, scary stories, russian roulette, i never, poker, hold'em, BS... take your pick.|||twister!|||if thers going to be guys maybe spin the bottle?|||Well if u were not a ***** about every thing to people they might help u out

What are cool popular games in facebook?

im looking for games in facebook. i have nothing to do in facebook but play pet society. what games are cool and fun like pet society?|||Pet society

Bowling Buddies


Mob wars

Mafia wars

Mini Golf

Tennis Mania

Premier Football Street

Cheers:)|||Maybe try this free application on facebook %26gt;.%26lt;

It's called Battle Station. You create a ship and a character %26gt;.%26lt; gain experience to lvl up, gain gold and resource to customize your ship in order to reach higher lvl.

It has got the best animation for a game so feel free to try it out %26gt;.%26lt;鈥?/a>|||Playfish games:

Pet Society

Bowling Buddies

Restaurant City

Geo Challenge

Word Challenge

Who has the biggest brain

What are some cool games for a teen girl halloween party?

I am having a halloween birthday sleepover party but i dont have many ideas. Its a girl sleepover and i dont have any good ideas for games and fun! Any one got any ideas? x

I am going to watch a movie but i also need some ideas for scairy movies?!

hope someone can help me!|||Shave each other's heads!|||Signs was a really creepy movie, you could watch that

there's this one game that's called 'the dead mans brain'. you sit in a circle in a darkened room and pass around the 'rotting remains' of a man. here's the story that goes along with it:

once in this town there was a man named brown. it was years ago, on this night, he was murdered out of spite. here we have his remains.

first, lets feel his brains. (a wet squishy tomato)

now here are his eyes, still frozen with sup rise. (two peeled grapes)

this is his nose. (a chicken bone)

here is his ear. (a dried apricot)

and here's one of his hands, rotting flesh and bone (a rubber glove filled with mud or ice)

but his hair still grows (a handful of corn silk or wet fur or yarn)

and his heart still beats, once and a while. (piece of raw liver)

and his blood still flows. feel it, its nice and warm. (ketchup thinned with warmed water)

that's all, exe pt for these worms. they ate the rest of him (wet spaghetti noodles)

and if anyone screams or gets scared, their out.

have fun :)|||play truth or dare!! you can come up with some scary dares!!|||Monopoly would be a great game

Are there any cool online games out there?

Hi, I want to find a fun %26amp; cool game is there any games that I don't have to buy/download like RuneScape, ToonTown, WoW/Diablo or Wizard101?|||there is this cool game that you go on the website is and pick stick arena it is very fun to play|||i think a game you might all enjoy is

i am the owner,admin

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|||Many cool games

Does anybody know any cool online games where you can use machinary and guns and kill people for free?

Does anybody know any cool online games where you can use machinary and guns and kill people for free? You know like battlefield! But, games where you only need to download them, play for free, and hang with real people. I dont want to pay mpnthly. You know, i kind of want a game like runescape, except more present, and no swords, no magis, and i also want a game with good graphics. I ned the best. Im dying?|||go to dragon then choose shooting for the category ( i would recommend playing " stickman madness 2 its really fun and when you shoot them in the head, a huge chunk of their head flies out)|||yes, and|||

What are some cool games for two girl 15 yr olds?

What are some neat activities we can do that doesn't involve boring card games or buying stuff.|||video gameees.

four wheelerrsss.

hang with cute guyss.|||Get dates and get laid. Nah just kidding dont really know any games for two 15 year old girls. Im a 15 year old boy and the only thing i do is play football and watch t.v.|||Perhaps try not being cheap?

or just make out, and send the tape to me ^_^|||card games and buy stuff

Do you know some girl mobile games or in general some cool games?

I need some mobile games for Nokia. Thank you!|||Adventure quest.

Do you know a cool games website?

Do you know any cool games website?|||Try the link below...they have some pretty fun games.|||largest flash games database

or go to for customs


a lot of games!

online games:|||

hope this helped!|||

These are both good sites, both are free, and pogo offers a subscription as well for ad less gaming.|||,, well, thats it. (Sorry) :D||| Great game website|||

i believe|||

new but will get better

What are some cool games can be played with my long distance gf while chating ?

i dont want the games that already on yahoo ( pool, chess...etc ) ... something new and simple^^ thanks!|||How about Unreal Tournament 3 - there's nothing like sneakily firing a rocket launcher at someone to show how much you love them.|||oldie but goodie truth or dare

Looking to buy Nintendo DS, is it worth buying and what are some cool games?

I don't really like fighting games, but like mario bros, tetris, puzzle games and stuff. i'm thinking of getting the new mario bros. but what else is good? I already have a gameboy but this looks so much cooler. Please, your suggestions?|||brain age was a waste of my 20 bucks. i really like my DS, and i would suggest gettting Mario Kart DS for sure. it's got really good graphics. i would also get Warioware's just plain out fun with the touch screen. Animal Crossing is really fun too. Just PM me if you want any other suggestions.|||animal crossing was my fav. i sold all my games so far but not my ds yet.

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|||The DS is cool as you said there is the new Mario game..there is Animal Crossings which is highly addictive..That Game Brain Age which is supposed to help you think better or something at any rate it's fun..|||Definitely the New Super Mario Bros. I beat it in less than a week, but the multi-player and mini games are still fun. I am also trying to go through and unlock all the worlds. I still have yet to unlock World 7.

What are some cool games I could get for a DS or a PSP?

I am thinking of buying one from best buy and I would like to know what are some good games for a DS3D or the PSP. I like strategy games and some adventure games but I would like to know what are some good ones for both.|||Try These ;)

Nintendo DS; Dragon Quest IX Sentinels of the Starry Skies

Psp; Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker|||there is one game that isnt very famous but its addicting and it is just great for when ur bored. the game is called "electroplankton" it is a music game where u use the stylus and make noise and music in 9 different levels. its for the DS.

What new and cool games can run in my computer ?

What new and cool games can run in my computer ?

ntel庐 Core鈩?i3-2310M (2.10 GHz).

4 GB

HD: 320GB

HD: 5400 RPM.

Intel庐 HD Graphics 3000.|||Tetris with some lag.

What are some rele cool games and/or apps for the ipod nano 5th generation?

wat r some rele kool games tht u wuld recommend? also r there any awesome apps tht you enjoy? thnx!|||Apps aren't compatible. The only games that are compatible are from the iTunes Store. To browse, mouse over the App Store tab until the down arrow appears. Click on it then choose iPod Click Wheel Games from the drop down list.

What are some cool games to download in a macbook?

I just one to get some games i like any kind of games|||I get Mac games at鈥?/a> . Have Fun :-)

Monday, December 19, 2011

What are some cool party games for Wii?

I'm 28 and we (me and my boyfriend) just purchased a Wii, we like fun party games, like the bowling, to do with our friends. I don't want to purchase anything stupid so some cool suggestions would be nice.|||Wii Party Games, Wii Sports (should come with purchase of Wii), and/or Super Smash Bros. Brawl|||Mario Party 8, Wii Sports, Wii Party, Warioware (very awesome and a laugh indeed), Boom Blox, Wii Fit, Mario %26amp; Sonic at the Olympics, Rayman Ravid Rabbids....the list is endless!|||Super Smash Bros Brawl, Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games, or Mario Party 8.|||My favorite Wii game is Boom Blox. Such a fun game!

What are cool games for my 13th birthday day party???

It's a fifty's themed party for 6 girls from 5-8pm. I was trying to think of cool games for outside( when its dark!) Please and thank you!|||hi im 14 email murder in the dark (spotlight) sardines hide and seek chasy gl if you need to know what any of these are emai lme;) or ask your parents when they where little gl|||If u mean video games i have a couple.

For XBox 360 ,Halo 3

For wii try the super smash bros brawl

for Ds lunar knights|||T E T R I S !.

Is ther any cool games on the internet that you dont have to download?

This summary is not available. Please click here to view the post.

What is the best Website to play cool games ?

I want to play very good games during my free time.|||This website has a lot of really good games, I go there on my free time. It depends on what your age is, but I am sure you will find games you like..good luck%26gt;%26gt;|||Thank You Very Much, David..Have a Great Year!!


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|||Yahoo Games and|||I love to play games at I am addicted to the turbo twentyone game. Also you get points the can be used to enter drawings or buy imaginary items at there pogo mini mall, I love it!!!|||

Can I play cool games with GeForce 9400 GT 1GB?

Can I play cool games like:Black Ops, GTA 4, Mafia 2, etc. on GeForce 9400 GT 1GB ?|||Hi

I have the same graphic cards as you and my answer is NO.

Those games are lagging with Geforce 9400 GT (1GB), so its better to upgrade your card to play those high graphic game.

You can play older games though, it works perfect like Gears of War works at 1440x900 at High.鈥?/a>|||You'll be able to play those games but on medium at best. What are you upgrading from, what pc specs do you have already (processor etc...), and how much do you want to spend?


I love playing games but i get really bored when i cant find any cool fun games. The all are boring and most are not free can someone please help me. Where can i find cool games?||||||

Cool computer games to download for free?

I got Combat Arms and Digimon Battle, any other cool games I could download for free? :D One that I could seriously get addicted to?|||These are some of the top rated games!

Week`s Top 5 Downlaoded Best Tycoon PC Games

1. Artist Colony

2. Zoo Tycoon 2

3. Dinertown Tycoon

4. Plant Tycoon

5. Farm Mania

These are free to download from the website mentioned in the source|||Full Free Download Latest Games Included Their Patches, Cracks And Serials....U Can Also Download Software, Movies, E-Books And Best Anime Series Just For Free.........

And Some Specials Gift Which U Have Just Dreamed About.........|||Hi, you can obtain free games from this site

You will need to complete a simple offer and then you can get your games. I

have used this site myself and it works”.|||if you'r using a torrent site like "" you cant go past warcraft III. especially if you can pick up the expansion as well. most addictive game ever made aside from WoW itself.|||try runes of magic its free and its just like world of warcraft im telling you if you like mmorpgs then you will definantly like this game :)|||Type in RPG games there is millons of similar addicting game su just mentioned...but two good ones are rappelz and fiesta..oh hello kitty online is good but its really girly but boys have played this too|||runescape(: and u dont have to download it:D and its addicting !|||Get runescape its free. u can upgraade to member if u want (not really worth it) its lso browser game so no downlaods :)|||what is ur player name on digimon online?

What are some cool games that you play?

hi, my school holidays have just started a few days ago and i am looking for a game to play. i am not overly picky, but i like games like KalOnline and Sims (2 %26amp; 3). any games that you know that are like these two games, please put them down. i don't mind if a game is online or you have to download it. everyone says to go on sites like addicting games, but i get bored too easily. thanks for your answers!||| is great. they have bunches of games, normally 19.99, for 6.99. and if you complain about something... they usually give you a free game coupon.. ;D


its even better. i am addicted to it... just try it please! its awesome! if you want a friend search burgy23 in the username search and add me. i am a girl with black hair and white sunglasses

What are some cool games i can download for my pc, and if i may be so daring, for free?

See, im lookin for some cool games that i can play offline. just something fun to do. I really like Rpg games, but hey lets be honest you tell me about a good game ill check it out. thanks!|||http:/// has lots of pc games to download, i think u will find some nice games there.|||Pocket Tanks

What are some cool games for a 13 year old girl's party?

My daughter's party is an all girls party. There are 20 girls that are going to be there if everyone makes it. Are there any games or fun stuff that you think they would enjoy? Also I'm thinking about making this a Halloween-themed birthday party. Do you think they woul have fun without games or would they need something to entertain them. No bingo, hide and go seek, charades or truth or dare please!|||1-you could have a shaving cream fight

2-have like a candy hunt

3-have a pj fashion show if its a slumber party


Need rolls of toilet paper, one per person. You can form teams to see who is the fastest dressing their mummy (other person) or just let them have fun. This can be very messy with the dust from the toilet paper and the paper fight afterwards.Clothes Pin 7-Ups:

5-7 clothes pins per person. Clip clothes pins on the backs of all players and have them face each other in a circle (outside). At the mention of "GO" they each run around trying to get the clothes pins off each others backs. No grabbing and holding on to the other persons.

6-Talent Show or Video the kids performing to music. Lip sync is fun or air guitar/sax etc.|||They could play twister, make dance videos... not to post online... but it can be fun anyways. You could also do drawing contests where the girls have to draw pictures of a random given object. The b day girl could be the judge. Another fun thing that i used to do at partys was making t shirts with fabric paint, or even karaoke. Hope this helps.|||Ok so if u dont want kiddy stuff lets talk serious. Ok so i would do a haunted house. There are some ideas on how to make them online. Also.....u could have a talent show and the host/ B day girl will judge. Give out ribbons or prizes for 1st 2nd and 3rd place. Have fun! Hope this helped! :-)|||Halloween themed? Then you can use toilet paper for mummy wrap-up competitions, have a costume competition, and possibly a large scale scavenger hunt.|||7 minutes in heaven xDDDDD



Any cool games like poptropice that is free that i dont have to download?

cool games like poptropica or similar. also,i just got a new computer and i dont want it 2 break so it has to be safe and i dont wanna have to download anything. thanks! :)|||Runescape is a pretty fun game that is Free to play:

There is also the whole adventure quest series:;;

Hope this cures your boredom.||||||what you are looking for are flash games. there are several hidden among the other games on

What are cool games for the PS3?

I just bought a new PS3 and I am wondering what cool games are out. I already have metal gear solid gran turismo 5 proluge and the new call of duty.

And Also. How could i persuade my friends into getting a PS3 because they have XBox360. So what are so stuff PS3 has that Xbox doesnt?|||GTA IV is really good

What are cool games for fund raising?

Me and my cousins are planning some games that people would play.,.. and at the same time have a fund raising...

but we don;t know what games to do... could anyone give us some ideas?|||If you are setting up a fund raising and thinking of a cool game..I suggest you put up a Bingo Game..It is easy, everyone knows the game and really an enjoyable game to play..|||What is the "fund raising" for? If you're raising funds for yourselves, then it's a risky venture.

If you're actually raising funds for a charity, go to some local businesses and ask for some donations so you can do a raffle. You'd spend next to nothing, and get almost 100% profit for the charity.

Are there any games like The Sims online or any game that is so cool?

are there any games like ( the Sims) online?? if so then please tell!

or any other cool game?|||For me the best game is eRepublik.

It's a global simulation, partly managerial, partly military and partly political.

The graphics are good, and the combat is 鈥嬧€媏xciting because of the presence of thousands of people worldwide who are fighting at the same time..

The players are generally organized in groups depending of the nation and other circumstances, and they meet in chat or forums to help each other.

Unlike other browser games that are purely individual or at most suitable to alliances, eRepublik is basically a game where you can really take advantage of people around you.

You can also meet interesting friends. ;)|||no

What are cool games for the wii?


and also games people play online ??

i played sports resort i liked it but thats the onlyn i had wat are some other cool games?

is modern warfare cool for this system?

and is it better and easier using the gun in COD?|||i think you should totally try Super Smash Bros. Brawl. Otherwise try mario kart wii

in mario kart wii you find a game INSTANTLY and same goes for super smash bros brawl. call of duty is not bad but i honestly think call of duty isnt the kind of game for nintendo

its really good for ps3 and xbox but i guess its okay

Good Luck! :)|||Call Of Duty on the Wii is good, but not as great as it is on other systems. The graphics take a hit, some of the modes are usually gone, and the online doesn't have voice chat. But it's still the same fun CoD gameplay you expect.

As for other sports games, there's a handful of solid online sports games on the system. Tiger Woods, Madden, NHL 2K11, Fifa, and NBA Jam are all great (though the last one lacks online play).|||MARIO KART WII is really fun and it takes a long time to beat it its really fun and you can play with your friends is soooooooooo fun|||Mario kart wii

Super Smash bros. Brawl

Cod waw.

cod 3

destroy all humans: big willy unleashed.

those are my top 5.|||Super Smash Bros. Brawl, Defiantly.

What are some cool realistic games for the computer?

I want to play an free online game that is a cool driving game. I want a game to play where you have to stop at red lights and stuff.|||Grand Theft Auto...

You can drive around and follow the traffic lights if you wish.|||There are some pure driving sims on the market (driving school kinda stuff).. But don't expect too much about the graphics :/|||well i know a cool online game called maple story.. try la tale too! but i dont know any driving games.. sorry! :(

What are other cool games like mabinogi or dizzywood?

Fighting games like world of warcraft and exploring games. Free games that don't take up too much space on your computer or on the Internet, please|||Gpotato has a few. Hit the register button and then look through for one you like. I like Flyff, but I might join Rapplez soon. :P|||Thnx

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|||if your looking for a game like mabinogi theres a game out called Shin Megami Tensei(Imagine Online) its about the world falling into ruin after a war/flood and the madness drew demons to earth you can control demons to fight with you and the gameplay is alot like mabinogi o and its f2p :D

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|||o and its on Aeria games now

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|||Theres Grand Chase, platform game sort of like Maplestory but better. :)

Download and install at

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What cool games are there for the ps3?

i am thinking of getting assassins creed 2, and dont tell me cod mw2. That game isn't that great and iam tired of people constantly telling me how cool it is.|||Killzone 2, Resistance 1 or 2, Metal Gear Solid 4, Ninja Gaiden: Sigma, Uncharted 2, Resident Evil 5, Dragon Age: Origins, Batman Arkham Asylum, Borderlands.

What are some cool games for a sleepover?

Hi, My friend and I are almost 12 year old girls. We are having a sleep-over and we need some stuff to do. We do not want to play on the computer or watch any movies until bed time (PaRtY AlL NigHt!!!).

If you would not include board games or something really boring.

Some exciting, adventurous, or funny.

Thanks!!!|||I'm 11 turnin 12 in like 18 days and me and my friends play knock and run, 3 steps (knock and run but can only take three steps from where u were standin when u knocked on the door or rang the doorbell), Truth or dare (Awesome Game), Makeovers (Make your friend look really silly), Prank calls. etc

Hope I helped!!!|||TP ur next door neighbor. play thruth or dare and if you chicken out , you have to drink 2 glasses of water with anything disgusting you have in ur house.

What are some cool card games I could play?

Im interested in playing some cool kinds of card games. I dont mean like solitare or whatever. I mean like yugioh or magic. but not those i would just like to see if there's anything else fun. thanks.|||Yugioh is a wonduful game, it's not that confusing, and not that easy, (pokemon is way to easy) It's fun to play with friend's and at tourmants. The second best is magic of gathring but its hard. But i garrentee yugioh. the offical website to yugioh is|||Card and Board Games

What Are Some Really Cool Cydia Games For iPOD TOUCH?

Does anyone no any really cool cydia games for an ipod touch , so ar i have tap tap vip, iphone bash, croc dentist %26amp; thats it. Anyone no anymore fun games ? or toys?|||My brother knows the answer Ill call and find out.

What are some really cool game cube games?

Just list down any fun gamecube games you have bought. I have my birthday coming up and I don't know what I want.|||Depends on what you are wanting, and what you like. For me...

When you think Nintnedo, you probably think Mario, Pickachu, Link, and Samus Aran. And you'd be spot on. If I had to choose one GC game out of all of them that I've played, I'd go with Metroid Prime. If you haven't played it, it's a First-Person-Shooter/Adventure hybrid. Only downside is there's no multiplayer, for that, go with the sequel (I haven't played Echoes yet, so I'm not gonna venture an opinion). Big plus on this one: it's a player's choice title, so you should be able to pick it up for about $20.

If you're in to arcade-style sports, anything with Mario (except maybe baseball) is gonna be a winner. If you're wanting more realism, stick with EA Sports titles: most of them have got GC ports. Their 07 editions are starting to come out (Madden releases in August; FIFA in October), which means you can pick up the 06s for around $30.

As for traditional RPGs, I'd recommend Tales of Symphonia. Baten Kaidos (and that's probably not spelled right, but oh well) is interesting, but the card-based battle system can be off-putting to younger players.

For something different, try Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles or Legend of Zelda Four Swords Adventures. These both have interesting multiplayer modes, but to access them, you'll need a GameBoy and a GC-Link Cable for each player.|||Sonic adventure 2 battle pokemon xd zelda collecters edition and the grand daddy of them all Super Smash Bros melee!|||I'd say try any of the following:

**Super Smash Bros. Melee

Soul Calibur

**Legend of Zelda

Fire Emblem:Path of Radience

**Skies of Arcadia:Legends


Prince of Persia

Harvest Moon: Its A Wonderful Life

Animal Crossing

Kirby Air Ride

I've heard good things about the Mario version of DDR.

I put stars next to my personal favorites.

Just search them to get a game summary.

Enjoy!|||save cash (wii) you wont be sorry.|||paper mario the thousand year door

super mario sunshice

AND ANY DDR GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!|||k theres so many ! Im a girl but i loved vedoe games since i was 3 ! Kingdom of herts , Sonic advanter directors cut , sonic mega collection ! Mario sunshine and alot more ! Google it ! Hope i helped !|||buy super smash bros. melee, if you dont have it already. Or metroid prime echoes. If you are talking about francises that are on onther consoles, need for speed most wanted is a must.|||Any version of DDR

SSX On Tour

Any Version of Need For Speed|||poop! just joking dont hurt me!!!

yes go to wal mart and plese dont hurt me!!!!|||Legend of Zelda: WindWaker and Ocarina of Time

Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy

Beyond Good and Evil

Ice Age 2: The Meltdown


SSX Tricky (SSX 3 is okay, and SSX on tour is fair)

Yu-Gi-Oh! The Falsebound Kingdom

Super Smash Bros. Melee|||supersmash bros.meele

madden 05

What are some really cool games you can play on the computer?

NOT educational games, fun ones that don't boar you to death!|||lol. MDK is really fun. you will thank me for this later, lol.|||gta


middle of houner


red alert|||many good games by tags|||card games

virtual games

3-D games

Does anyone know where I can play cool games online for free?

I love games. My computer recently died, so I had to get a second hand laptop that can't even support iTunes or MSN, so I can't download them anymore. Anyone know of some good sites? Oh, and it has to be good quality and accessible from the UK.|||At first I thought this would be a boring game.... now I'm hooked!鈥?/a>|||try this website|||||||||This game is free鈥?/a>|||well i no a place where u can get free games by the mail. u just do survey and get points, trade those point in to get games,consols,gift cards and more!!!!!!!! u can even u the points to buy in ebay!!! say that u get 1 point u get 1 dollar in ebay!!! so if u get 20 points 20 dollars!!! thats cool !!!!! go to the source in the bottom!!!!! enjoy!!!!!!!!!!

What are some cool strategy/role playing games for PS3?

I am going to college in two weeks and I need some cool games for my PS3 so I don't have to go to the frat parties. What are some cool strategy/role playing games for the PS3 besides Fallout and FFXIII (and not Kingdom Hearts because that game is stupid).|||Baldurs Gate is really nice for Character Customization and gameplay.

Dragon Age: Origins is nice for the same reasons.

However the ultimate rpg of all time is TES4: oblivion, available for pc and ps3. This is in my opinion the best rpg ever and i know you will like it too. Well worth the money which i think is about $20.

TES5 expected in 2013 earliest but the game is gonna be so great that i could wait a decade :D

Is there any really cool games like fantage? i dont want millsberry club penguin or webkinz?

I have nothing to do all day and want to go on the computer but cant find any cool games exepct fantage, millsberry, and club penguin. so if you could please give me cool games that would be greate and i dont want any games over 13 age limit!

thanks|||ciao bella




there are fun games at...

hope i helped|||habbo fantage


(it really rocks u like literly live a second life, u can lay doiwn rub, talk sikt ,cook irn make friends,shop ,drive marry ,have babbiees it is rad

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Report Abuse

|||Maybe Ourworld

Report Abuse



Club Penguin


Disney's Virtual Magic Kingdom

Gaia Online






Habbo Hotel


Doll War|||try runescape|||Toontown is pretty fun. Maybe Runescape, Endless Online, World of Warcraft, City of Heroes... It depends who you are.|||Dizzywood!

If you want one that's for older kids like 12-13 then u should try runescape too.|||try

Cool games...?

this is my wishlist can anyone tell me if these are good games or somewhere i can find these games cheap this is my list in no specific order

1. Legend of Zelda phantom hourglass DS

2. Dead rising 360

3. Oni ps2

4. Monster rancher 1 playstation 1

5. Odin Sphere ps2

6. Heavenly Sword ps3

7. Banjo-Kazooie n64

8. Mortal kombat 1 Sega genesis

9. God of war chains of olypus psp

10. GTA san andreas xbox|||x Means ihave no idea.1.good can get at EB games or Gamestop 2.x 3.x 4.x 5.x 6.x 7.x 8.x 9.x 10.x|||GTA is the best

Cool Games!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Has anyone seen that episode of "The Suite Life Of Zack And Cody" where Zack and Moseby are addicted to that online game? Well does anyone know any games that are kind of like what happened in "The Suite Life Of Zack And Cody"????|||I was once so addicted to Halo 3, I didn't go to sleep.|||Go with the Nintendo Wii, you can swing it around until you beark something :) %26gt;.%26lt;|||i havent but a goood shoot em up game would be halo 3|||


Cool games?

I was wondering if there are any tactical shooting games for the ps2 taht are like rainbow six vegas, and is rainbow six lockdown good or bad?|||Best PlayStation 2 Game


Developer: Criterion

Publisher: Electronic Arts

Release Date: 2006

It's too bad EA and Criterion aren't ready to release the E3 video demonstration of Black to the general public. If they were, we wouldn't have to write about it. Instead of filling this space with words extolling the nonstop, volatile excitement of the hyperkinetic first-person shooter, we'd just let you watch the video. And as was our experience behind closed doors at EA's booth this year, it would be all you needed to see. Black's explosive, over-the-top shoot-outs sell themselves more readily than our ineffectual descriptions could ever do.

That Criterion has made only the barest effort to describe Black's storyline, which has you and some other good guys fighting international terrorists, is telling. Let's face it: You don't really need a reason to slam a clip home and lay waste to everything in sight, especially when doing so is as viscerally satisfying as it looks like it will be in this game. That's because Criterion claims the guns themselves are the stars of the show, having gone so far as to coin the phrase "gun porn" in reference to Black's shoot-first-ask-questions-never gameplay. In fact, studio kingpin Alex Ward mentioned prior to our demo that the team's goal was to re-create The Matrix's lobby scene in extended game form, a feat he claims no other developer has yet achieved.

Based on what we saw during the subsequent 10 minutes, Ward and crew are grinding admirably toward that goal. Just about everything in Black's environments breaks or blows up in violent, hyperrealistic fashion, creating an onscreen chorus of chaos far more intense than your average shooter. One of the most noticeable things about Black's firefights is that the air is full of more than just bullets--you're constantly maneuvering amid a sea of sparks, smoke, broken glass, and debris coming from every surface that takes a hit. Never mind the highly destructible environments, which had the player bringing down entire building floors and blowing out the whole glass front of an office building. Black isn't reinventing the first-person shooter--it's just taking the most essential elements of the genre and making them bigger, faster, and more intense than we've ever seen.|||i agree on black

one of the best fps ever|||not really thats why Vegas was a good surprise since the series was good at teh beginning

Cool Games?

kay i need to think of games i can do during luch at school can u help. Games have to include people like for example musical chairs limbo and chubby bunny. Plz help!! its due tommorow!! Thank you ^^|||Heads up 7 up, telephone (whispering game), there's always board games too, red rover, red light green light, jump rope,|||Simon says, I that's all I can think of....

Cool games?

Suggest me cool %26amp; played by everyone a ps2 game pls....|||~DDR

~Guitar Hero

~Madden NFL

~Rock Band

~Final Fantasy

~Kingdom Hearts|||GTA 4,5 BTF2142 for pc SPider man2|||Army of Two, Call of Duty 4, Halo 1 2 %26amp; 3, Need for speed Most wanted %26amp; Pro street.|||NBA LIVE FORD RACING GAMES Dont buy and games that are like Gft if yo want for everybody|||Battle field 2. CALL OF DUTTY DEVIL MAY CRY|||devil may cry!|||Ice %26amp; Water Games Is Coolllllllllll|||GTA SAN ANDREAS IS GREAT,N' EVEN

YOU BUY GTA SANANDREAS COPLAND ADITION...IS TOO GREAT ...JOY YAAR|||Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance, Mortal Kombat: Deception, Mortal Kombat: Armageddon, also the Sims 2. It just depends on what kind of games you like to play if its cool or not.|||FIFA 08|||Gta san andreas,final fantasy, kingdom hearts.|||God of War 1%26amp;2 if you like hack and slash games. The .Hack//G.U. Trilogy for RPGs. Devil May Cry 3(havent played 1-2 but 4 is cool). Star Wars Battlefront 2 for TPS. Soul Calibur 3 for Fighting. and Samurai/Dynasty Warriors (any) because theyre fun.

Cool games????????????????

any cool 3d multiplayer games online?|||If you want a fun game to play with a friend (or friends) i suggest getting the game LEFT 4 DEAD. I know it's only 2 player co-op offline but versus mode is 3 players.


its a first person shooter

it's for the xbox 360 and PC

it's up to 16 versus online

but if your interested in a single player game i suggest mirror's edge.|||Depends


Counter Strike Source (Payware)

Day of Defeat Source (Payware)

Team Fortress 2(Payware)


FlyFF (Free)

World of Warcraft (Payware)


Test Drive Unlimited (Payware)

GTA IV (Payware)|||runescape , you gotta play it.

another fun game for a while is battleon

check 'em out.|||World of Warcraft, Runescape (REALLY bad graphics though), Hero Online, Dungeon Runners, and more.

For GREAT MMORPG games for you, try going to

It has over 20 games for you to try, (All Online).|||combat arms -

maplestory -

runescape -

These are some of the more known ones but there are many more.|||Savage the battle for newerth is the best free one. Its also small in file size.|||Try sociotown, its way cool in my opinion. You can meet new friends on sociotown, walk around the fancy town, go into shops and buy stuff, go to work and get paid in so-bucks, do missions, catch your own food,participate in events, get an apartment, edit your own profile, play games in the park, organize events and much much more.

Click this link:鈥?/a> and press 'ENTER TOWN'.

No need to download anything ....

Welcome :)

Cool games?

any cool games around like gaiaonline (my username is alexiagc1! add me!!),club penguin?|||*******PS2 GAMES COLLECTION (Keepers)*******

01) Ratchet %26amp; Clank (1-3), my rating 9.5 (My personal favorite)

02) Resident Evil 4, my rating 9.5 (My personal 2nd favorite)

03) Jak %26amp; Daxter (1-3), my rating 9.5

04) Castlevania (Lament of Innocence), my rating 8.5

05) Castlevania (Curse of Darkness), my rating 8

06) Star Wars Bounty Hunter, my rating 9 (My favorite Star Wars)

07) Lego Star Wars (1%26amp;2), my rating 8

08) Wolverines Revenge, my rating 8

09) Beyond Good and Evil, my rating 8.5 (Main character is Jade, a


10) A Bards Tale, my rating 8

11) Tomb Raider (Legend %26amp; Anniversary), my rating 8.5 (main character is Lara


12) Onimusha (1%26amp;2), my rating 7.5 (because you have to use the D-pad to move

the characters)

13) Onimusha (3%26amp;4), my rating 8.5 (because you can use the left analog stick

to move the characters)

14) God of War (1%26amp;2), my rating 9

15) Shadow of the Collosus, my rating 8

16) Sphinx, my rating 8

17) Devil May Cry (1-3), my rating 9

18) Van Helsing, my rating 8

19) Sly Cooper (1-3), my rating 8.5

There are a total of 32 games on this list. They are all Platformers/Action games, my favorite kind. I have enjoyed playing all of these games, I still have them and I do not intend to ever get rid of them. I enjoy replaying them from time to time. I have played all of these games on my PS2, so they could also be played on a PS3. Hope this helps, good luck. Game on!!!|||nope|||yes there is|||Hi there check out this cool site.

Cool games??

does anyone know any cool games online such as gaiaonline??||| (virtual magic kingdom) (requires the purchase of a stuffed animal)



they have a bunch of neat games. you'll have to check it out. my favorite game on there right now is yatzee. lol|||, some are really funny too.|||well if you want a free online game then i would have 2 say that maplestory is one of the best.

but if you want to look at A LOT more online games then go to

it has tons of online games, and most of them are free|||mabe runescape adventure quest and dragon fable|||

Cool games?

what are some cool online games i can play for free or download|||well, this is kinda a game|||Go to and you'll find plenty of online games. Some are cool, some are stupid, some are just funny for a few minutes.

Go to for lots of free downloads. The games are generally older, but they're all free and you can find some good ones.

Go to for lots of free trial games. You can play them for an hour as a demo to see if you like them.

And there are more sites at - a page of mostly just links. It also has links to random games at the bottom every day.|||Don't know if this will help, but here is a handful of sites I use to play my games during lunch breaks.

What are some cool games out now for the ps2?

I am purchasing a PS2 because I have other bills to pay and can't spend much on a newer game systen like an xbox 360 or PS3. Being that there are tons of games for the PS2 what is a good selection to start off playing. I know of Bully and the Grand Theft Auto series any others out there worth the money?|||Final Fantasy X, X-2, XII are all good if you like RPGs, I also enjoy the SSX, SSX-Tricky games and Tony Hawk.

If you go with some of the titles that have been out for a year or so you should be able to find them pretty cheap on or even (buy used, barely played or even new games cheap there! just make sure the person you are buying from has good feedback).|||Guitar Hero %26amp; Sims: Pets. Need for Speed Underground also!|||god of war II is coming out (or is out) and it's supposed to kick booty.|||mlb 07 the show

wwe smackdown vs raw 2007

def jam icon|||You have to get God of War and God of war 2. They are both a lot of fun.|||Yes, those are good games. Other ones are Tomb Raider Legend, Just Cause, Destroy All Humans 2, and Mortal Kombat Armageddon. Try those out.|||It depends what type of game you are into...

but id say grand theft auto is a good one to start with, my personal favorites are: Resident Evil 4, FIFA 2007, Need for speed Carbon and others|||ture crime streaats of L A , hit man blood money, fight night round 3. thats all i can think of thats good

What are some really cool games for the Nintendo DS?

I do not like anything to do with star wars.And I like games like The Legend of Zelda(I already have phantom hourglass and Spirit Tracks) and I also like Pokemon.And I don't plan on buying soul silver or heart gold, kay?|||I recommend you buy a Final Fantasy game. If you have every heard of the popular ps2 game Kingdom Hearts you would know what it's like. Its a basic rpg and it's really fun. For beginners I recommend Final Fantasy Ring Of Fates. You could probably get it from any big store like Target or Best Buy but if not get it online. Hope I helped.|||Crash Bandicoot! It's awesome! :D|||007 rogue agent, metroid prime hunters and the world ends with you.|||kingdom hearts 358/2 days

Really cool games i can download to my laptop?

This summary is not available. Please click here to view the post.

What are some cool games programmed in Java?

I want to see Java's potential as a language for game programming. I want to see good stuff made with Java, especially games. They don't have to be 3D.

I already know about Minecraft, of course. Also, the Quake 2 Java port Jake2.

What else can Java do?|||There's this quirky one out there called Left4kDead. It is based on the well-known fps.

What are some really fun cool games for 6 girls at a birthday sleepover?

I'm having my 13th Birthday sleepover in 1 week. We're going ice-skating first, then back to mine.

We are all around 13, and we are NOT doing makeovers.

What are some good sleepover games we can do apart from truth or dare and as light as feathers?

Thanks xxx|||Board games

Hide and go seek


Musical Chairs

"Pass around the wrapped present" (Wrap it many many times and pass it around someone stops the music they unwrap a layer play music again and then someone stops it (like your mom) until the last person who unwraps it and gets the prize like "lip gloss" or a stuffed animal.

Watch movies

stay up all night

water balloon fight

|||Scavenger hunts are always fun.

A game that I like it "I've never." It's where you give everyone a cup with 10 noodles or something in it, and you all sit in a circle. The first person says, "I've never..." and something that they've never done. It can be anything. Then everyone who has done said thing, takes one noodle or whatever you're using out of their cup, and gives it to the person.

Also, a fun thing that I did at my 12th birthday party was putting on a play. If you guys are into acting and stuff. We thought of the story, made a script, and performed it for my parents, and filmed it. It was horrible acting, we couldn't stop laughing the whole time, but it was really fun.

Also, since it's really close to Halloween, you could try some Halloween themed games. But I'd understand if you didn't want to, my birthday is 10 days before Christmas, and I hate doing Christmas-themed stuff. But anyways, if you have any older siblings or even your parents, they could make a haunted house or something?

That's about all the idea I have. Hope I helped, and have fun at your party =)|||prank calls.

your to young to drink so with my cuz play a drinking game but with like coke or fizzy drink and the first one to go to the bathroom loses. but do them in shot glasses.

or if u really want to hire a Wii and play Wii sports it is really fun.

my bro had a gathering the other weekend and he is 16 and they just played Wii the whole time admittedly they were drunk but still it was fun haha

have a gud time and happy birthday |||Play deepest darkest secret like someone has to tell u a secret of theres a story.

play the rather game..

umm, do make overs and take really crazy wild pictures and post it oon myspace! and umm Prank call like 3 am! its really funny. call all these Business on PRIVATE and then act like another person. lol.

dance all night. act like ur a model. be wild.

go outside a play flashlight tag and jump on other ppl's tampolines. act like total goof balls!


have fun!|||

look up sleep over games- its a great site for searching cuz you can narrow or expand your search.

you could get that game Scene it...its the one that shows you a part or a line from a movie and you have to guess what one.|||Well, I had a scavenger hunt in my house for my 12th birthday. I invited 6 girls too, and even though we are all 14 now, that scavenger hunt is memorable. We still talk about it :) |||I love playing 'would you rather'!

Ex..Would you rather kiss ____ or suck a hobos toe?

Can you please, please tell me what light as feathers is??



What are some cool games for the ipod touch?

I heard that the app flash cards are useful. And the moron test was a lot of fun. what else is cool. Let me know what and why. Thanks A lot.|||shotgun. i believe there are two games similar to this and they are both entertaining, though admittedly simple.|||i love the game x-plane flight trainer and the best part is is that it's FREE!! (YAY)|||i shoot it doesnt get repetitive its fun and only 99 cents for a limited time

Cool games to play in the pool?

I have a pool that's about 5 feet deep. I need cool games for a 4 year old (we watch her very closely, she wears floats.), a 12 year old, and a 13 year old. We have tons of floats.|||Marco Polo a tag game "IT" must close eyes and when "it" yells "Marco" everyone else must yell POLO. Hours of fun for all.

What are some cool games to play with 5 friends?

At the end of this month I am having at least 5 friends over and I need some ideas for games we can play(We already got hide-and-seek and truth or dare down) but I need some more fun games! please help!|||There are many Drinking games which you can try over the get together. Obviously most of the drinking games involved alcohol but if you don't want to try alcohol, you can easily replace it to any other drink.

For Example:

1. Beer Pong.

2. Never, Have I ever.

3. Cardinal Puff.

4. Fuzzy Duck.

There are many other ideas related to the party games, just check out my source if you need more.|||Uno and Charades|||If you have a game console play something on that, but if not then play a sport|||Life!! %26lt;3|||Pillow fight?

What are some cool games to play online when in school?

Im really bored in seminar and idk what games to play.|||Go to

They have a ton of games.|||Here is some great sites to visit when your bored. Lots of things including games Lots of facts Lots of statuses for your Facebook Lots of banners for your Facebook|||Go to Great games!|||there aren't any because your not in school to play games,your there to learn,try it.|||Starcraft 2.|||mh i don't know...

What are other cool games like fantage?

I really love simulation games like fantage but please help me in finding more cool games.I get bored so I need another site for me to play.||| (it is my fav)

hope i help you|||

club penguin(cool) by freinds)

dizzywood sign in(look for charms)!) places) site) it)

hope i helped!

Report Abuse



Club Penguin


Disney's Virtual Magic Kingdom

Gaia Online






Habbo Hotel


Doll War|||Gosupermodel


club penguin

By the way, I love fantage too!!! IT ROCKS!!!!!!

Friday, December 16, 2011

What are some cool games like gaia online or runescape and you dont have to pay or download them?

No games that you have to pay for or download.|||

this game is all about building armies and destroying other peoples armies.|||You can go to where can create your own avatar and caht with it where you can buyyour own houses,costumes,pets and a whole bunch of stuff

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What are some cool games for a girl sleepover?

I wantented to know cause i'm at a sleepover with my freind and we wanted to know if you knew of any games?|||Body Part: This game is fun to play at a "scary" sleep-over and can be accompanied by other ghost stories and games such as "Light as a Feather, Stiff as a Board" (see description below). Have the kids sit in a circle in a dimly lit (or dark) room while you make up a story about a mean old witch who falls apart piece by piece. As you talk about each body part, pass around a paper bag lined with a plastic bag, and have the kids feel inside without looking. Each bag should hold a different "body part" that has fallen off of the witch. For example, use peeled grapes for the eyeballs, a canned apricot for the tongue, popcorn kernels for teeth, cooked spaghetti for brain, a large peeled tomato for the heart, cooked macaroni noodles for intestines, a slab of jello for the liver, and so on. Have the kids guess what food you used for each body part, and the person who guesses the most right wins.

"Light as a Feather, Stiff as a Board": The basic premise of this game is to have one person lie on the floor while everyone else sits on their knees around her with both hands slightly under her. There is one "Storyteller" who sits by the head and tells a made up story about the person on the floor's life and her "untimely demise." At the end of the story, everyone chants "Light as a Feather, Stiff as a Board" repeatedly as they lift her off of the ground. The idea is to have everyone believing that "spirits" are helping to lift her off the ground (in reality, she is probably being lifted because of all the people helping to lift her). Take turns, and tell a story about everyone!

Junk Food Frenzy: This is a great game that will keep your tummy full and keep you laughing. Dig out some of your favorite desserts and copy the instructions on index cards. Buy ingredients for all the desserts and place them on the kitchen counter. Shuffle the cards and divide the guests into two teams. Have players take turns drawing cards. Each player reads the card and takes the listed ingredient. When all the ingredients have been distributed, give the teams thirty minutes to prepare a dish using the ingredients accumulated by the individual players. When the dishes are complete, have each player taste and eat the results, then vote on the best tasting dessert! For a fun variation, give both teams the same ingredients and see what different desserts they come up with (without using recipes).

Do-It! Dice: Buy or find two square cardboard boxes and paint them both white. On each side of the square, write a command or a stunt, such as "Sing our National Anthem," "Hop up and down," "Spin around

in circles," and so on. Have the kids gather in a circle with the "Do-It! Dice" in the middle. Have one player roll BOTH dice to determine his/her stunts, then have the player perform both stunts AT THE SAME TIME. This should provide lots of laughs.

Movie Trivia: Have everyone watch a video; then make up trivia questions about the movie they just watched. Have a contest to see who can come up with the most correct answers. You can also read through teen magazines and collect trivia about the latest stars. Then quiz the partygoers to see who knows the most about each star.

"Grabbit": Place some small objects on a table, such as a bag of candy, a book, a single CD, a stuffed animal, a set of fake nails, and so on -- enough for each player. Let each player name a favorite card game, such as fish, rummy, spoons, hearts, war, etc. Gather the players around the table and remove all but one prize, setting the others aside. Play one of the card games; the winner gets the prize. Replace the prize, and start a new game.

Panic Word: Write down 100 words on index cards (one word per index card), such as blink, stare, lint, thread, plate, bra, shoelace -- any words you like. Stack the cards and put them in the center of the room. Divide the players into 2 teams and seat them opposite each other. Set the timer or stopwatch for one minute. Have the first player from Team One draw a card from the pile and give clues to the word to his/her teammates before the timer ends the play. If the word is "blink", the team member might say, "What you do if dust gets in your eyes?" Players from Team One try to guess the word; if they are successful before the time is up, they get a point. If the timer runs out and the word is not guessed, the other team gets a point. Take turns until all the cards are gone, then add up points to see who wins.

Who Am I?: Write the names of famous people on index cards and tape one card to the back of each guest. Have everyone walk around in the same room, and instruct them not to mention the name on each person's back, but to talk to everyone as if they are the person on their card. As people begin to correctly guess their identity, they have to continue to treat the people who still don't know their identity like the people whose name is taped to their back. When everyone guesses their "true identity" then the game is over.

No-Mirror Make-Over: One of the best themes for a sleep-over party for teenage girls is a Make-Over theme. Have a beauty contest in which the contestants have to apply all of their make-up without a mirror. This is a game in which the most hideous contestant wins the prize. Make sure to take some nice blackmail photos of all the contestants!

Name That Brand: Have a contest to see who can list the most names of brands of make-up. Whoever can list the most names wins a prize.

Murder: Put slips of paper into a hat (the number of papers should be the same as the number of guests). Have your guests each choose one slip of paper; they should not show it to anyone else. Each slip of paper will be blank with the exception of one that says "Murderer." The guest who picks "Murderer" has to walk around the party and "kill" people by winking at them. As soon as one of the guests is winked at, he/she has to count to three and then fall on the floor. If someone knows who the murderer is, they have to say "Stop! I know who the Murderer is." If the accuser is wrong, then he/she is "dead" and out of the game. If the accuser is correct, then the game is over, and he/she is the winner.

Truth or Dare: Gather your guests into a group and have a seat. This is a simple game to play with very few rules. Choose one person to begin. The "beginner" gets to choose who goes first by asking someone "Truth or dare?" The chosen person must respond either "Truth" or "Dare." If he/she responds "Truth", then he/she must respond truthfully to any question asked. If he/she responds "Dare", he/she must perform a dare that is presented to him/her (no matter what). Prizes are not usually awarded. However, if the host/hostess chooses, small prizes can be awarded for dares once they are successfully completed.

Nutty Sleep-Over Antics: Here are some fun things that can be done to the first people who fall asleep (knowledge of this should keep the party going for quite a while).

Put the sleeper's hand in warm water- (This is supposed to induce them to have to go to the bathroom)

Throw someone's panties/bra in the freezer

Place a rubber snake on the pillow of an "early sleeper"

Put shaving cream on a sleeper's hand and then tickle their nose with a feather (Isn't a face full of shaving cream what all "Party Poopers" deserve?)


You can play Mummie rap. What you do is get a couple roll's of toilet paper.And you team up in partners and all start raping your partner all at the same time.If the paper rips you have to start over.The first team to get done first wins. Plus after all the extra paper on the floor is fun to put all over people's heads!

Then take turns around the circle. Each person tells of something they have never done (example: I have never broken a bone or I have never traveled out of the country). Anyone who has done this must give the speaker one of their toothpicks or pennies. After going around the circle several times, the person with the most tokens wins.

You can play a game called Beauty Queens. You let your guest put on make-up without a mirror. The most dreadful looking one wins.

Heres an idea for the girls who have a lot of friends. Come up with a crazy name for your group, then when you have one come up with a nickname for everyone in your group. When you have completed that write who you have a crush on, what hes like or any other creative thing you can come up with that pertains to friendship, family, boys, religion, etc.

you can play salon it go like this someone blind folds you and does you nails, hair and make up

You can separate your girls into teams and give each team a BIG roll of aluminum foil and a roll of scotch tape. Have a contest of who can make the best outfit. That's lots of laughs.

A fun game for ur party is to sing in ur funneist voice and have a contest of whos the funniest! Also I want to know so more games for my party. One more good game is to have a party bag hunt, give clues to people and they tri to find it. U might want to use walky talkies.

I think you should try this: Piggly-Wiggly: Everyone lays out their sleeping bags. Choose someone to be "it." They must leave the room. Everyone else hides inside the sleeping bags (not their own). When they are ready, "it" comes back in. She sits on one of the sleeping bags and says, "Piggly-Wiggly" the person inside says "oink, oink." 'It' must guess who is inside the bag. If they are right, the person in the bag is it.

I have a great game...........You have to have atleast 6 peoples at your party but you have to plat this at night......You take little peacea of paper an you write N for normal on four little peices of paper then you write M for Murderer on one piece of paper then you write D for detective on another you make every body take a piece on paper without looking and you can't tell anybody what you are only the detective can...then the detective leaves the room and turns off the light then the person who is the murderer has to touch tree peoples on the shoulder (each personne who gets touches has to scream!) when the detective hears three screams he comes in and has to guess who is the murderer!...its realy fun!

This one is so fun! It's like laser tag cept at home. First get some BIG (covering shorts) old white tshirts and give everybody one. Now give everyone a water gun loaded with water and food coloring. The 2 teams each have one or two colors and they are wearing a bandana to show you what team they are on. Anyway you start and you shoot the other team's shirts. At the end everybody takes off their shirts and has to count the squrits of other colors. The team that squirted the most wins!!! FUN!


Two pairs of high heel shoes. Have everyone divided into two teams. The object of the race is to set up an obstacle course which the person has to walk around (no running!) On "GO!" the first players on each team put on their high heel shoes and walk the obstacle course. They return and the next person in line puts on the high heels and walks the course. This continues and the first team to return first wins!

This is real funny when u've done u have make up? The first person to go to sleep ,u take the make up%26amp; draw on the persons face.then u get some toliet paper make a tepee over them.when they wake up you ask them to go to the bathroom.after she looks at herself. You tell her you%26amp;ur friends plyed Indian Temple$$$$!!!!$$$$!!!!

There was a game that we played at a school party we had,

Everyone writes down an interesting fact about themselves that hardly anyone knows, for example, one girl in my class could stick a paperclip through her leg! Who knew? Anyhow, then have them stick the fact in a jar or hat or anything you can find laying around, then someone will be in charge of reading them to the group as they try to think of who the mysterious person is. Everyone will have another peice of paper on which they will number it one to however many people are playing. And they will write down next to the number ( in order!) who they think the person is. In the end make sure everyone knows who the fact is about. This game is so fun and you can learn alot about the people at your party or in my case, my class. Its fun and inexpensive. Enjoy!

Well first of all you could do a game called dare to eat this!! this is how it goes! you get some stuff from your fridge like penut butter, ketchup, bread leftovers just stuff like that! then you take turns!! the person has to invent like some type of food and dare someone to eat it! for example! you can i don'r know something like put lots of ketchup on an apple or something! be creative!

So theres an idea!!!


Sleepovers - Games and Activities

The point of a sleepover is to get all your pals together to have as much fun as possible. Plan at least three to four activities that you can all do throughout the evening to ensure that no one is going to get bored. You can give each other make-overs, play truth or dare or take an idea from the Sleepover moive and plan a scavenger hunt! Of course, if a scavenger hunt ends up being one of your sleepover activities, make sure that your 'rents know about it - no sneaking out of the house like the girls in the movie!

Sleepovers - An Outdoor Adventure

If you wanna kick your party up a notch, why not plan to sleep outside? A tree house is the perfect place to host an outdoor slumber party, but if you don't have one, a tent in the back yard, or even on your deck works just the same. Once you're all settled in your sleeping bags, get your friends to take turns telling ghost stories! And don't forget to bring a flashlight - after some of those stories, you'll need 'em!


ok, now for what i have to say. everytime i have a sleepover i always have it outside in a big tent. this makes it really fun, and sometimes scary!! lol. we will play games outside the tent and sometimes inside the tent. but we just make up games as we go along.

well, i hope that this can help you,

S.G|||there's always twister, truth or dare, card games, board games and many more. If you're tired of games, you can always have some girl to girl chitchat and gossip.|||Truth or Dare (Just don't go overboard!) Spin The Bottle.

And Makeup?|||a game called give Sabrina all of your money.|||theres this one game i play with my friends sometimes, youu get soda or some sort of drink and everyone has to have their cup filled to the same level.then someone says have you ever done blah bah it an be random stuff. and if you have then you take a sip,whoever gets to the bottom first loses and last one with some left wins|||You could grab an ouiji board, and freak all them out by talking to the dead. . .You can do a scavanger hunt for stuff around the house, and offer a prize. . .Hide and seek is always good. . .duck duck goose. . .Have a big Monopoly ternimant. . .do you remember the paper game MASH? that's always a hit. . .tell ghost stories. . .have a bunch of snacks around, and gossip bout what's goin on in their lives, us women love talking bout ourselves. . .hope that helps!|||Truth and dare. Just keep it under control ;)|||Hmm.. Id say the classics - Truth or Dare, Spin the Bottle etc. But maybe try making a new game with your pals?|||Truth or dare and Spin the Bottle|||Try playing truth or dare outside and making each other yell out really embarrassing things, or a game where you each write down six names of the guys you think are hot, put them in a hat, pull them out and give them mystery love phone calls! You could also have fun doing nail art on eachother-paint stripes, dots, flowers, anything.

Have fun!|||Spin the bottle, truth or dare. Keep us posted.|||well you could prank call people thats fun lol make sure they dont know who you are and maybe if u like to play man hunt or flash light tag i mean girls can do stuff like that too!